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#27 2013-07-06 21:11:18

« ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
From: Slovenia
Registered: 2013-03-17
Posts: 156

Re: Lucker Records


Track not on any tmx section, and other times are quite tight.
Shall I send you the replay or is it ok?


#28 2013-07-06 23:21:02

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1990

Re: Lucker Records

radovan_odjebani wrote:


Track not on any tmx section, and other times are quite tight.
Shall I send you the replay or is it ok?

No worries.


#29 2014-01-16 00:05:40

??ž ????? | Loller |
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Registered: 2014-01-15
Posts: 1

Re: Lucker Records

Hello, I got a lucky time on this map: … ;Limit=120 and my time is 21.58 and got deleted. I'm not entirely sure how to upload a replay when it is not in tmx. Would be great if you could help me get the replay, or do something with it, thx in advance
Login: ololler


#30 2014-01-16 07:33:24

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1990

Re: Lucker Records

ololler wrote:

Hello, I got a lucky time on this map: … ;Limit=120 and my time is 21.58 and got deleted. I'm not entirely sure how to upload a replay when it is not in tmx. Would be great if you could help me get the replay, or do something with it, thx in advance
Login: ololler

I didn't delete any of your recs.

Replays can be posted anywhere I can download them if the link is mentioned in this thread, or, as a last resort, mailed to .


#31 2014-02-18 12:24:43

u30 R?ev?o?
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Registered: 2014-02-18
Posts: 1

Re: Lucker Records

Hey. I got a lucky time on a map. Here is my replay: … y.gbx.html

Got luck to get the cut right smile


#32 2014-02-18 17:35:28

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1990

Re: Lucker Records

scolopaci wrote:

Hey. I got a lucky time on a map. Here is my replay: … y.gbx.html

Got luck to get the cut right smile

Don't post replays here that can -- and should be -- uploaded to TMX: … id=5719742


#33 2014-03-22 16:33:09

Registered: 2013-06-28
Posts: 35

Re: Lucker Records

qIuO7u2hTU4pApPt_JCSnOc5boc I didn't track any tmx for this map, but you need replay or are the sector patterns cool with you?


#34 2014-03-22 20:10:05

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1990

Re: Lucker Records

xkayakx wrote:

qIuO7u2hTU4pApPt_JCSnOc5boc I didn't track any tmx for this map, but you need replay or are the sector patterns cool with you?



#35 2014-06-30 02:51:29

>>>> hi all >>>>
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Registered: 2014-06-30
Posts: 5

Re: Lucker Records

I got a very lucky cut in this map: 52qvxYJfMdG_oaTMLIa6ioaW6N8
Time looks very strange - like obvious hack... And I guess next who see it reports.
Just found this topic and sure its right place for this!

I drived close to the wall and jumped a bit off with a bug... Im sure you know this bug and happened to you too sometimes when you drived close to the wall over this grey part. After jumping off I turned vertically in flight so I tried grassslide . Whilest hitting the wall with the grasslide something like uberbug happened and I got directly on the platform with the fins.
Looked very weird because of those crazy bugs big_smile
Sounds unbelievable... Even me who saw this dont believe that happened but everything possible for lucker.

The problem is - I got a blue screen directly after getting this record ): (I have pc that get bluescreen like all 15 minutes... ): )
So the replay not saved in autosaves folder ):
I know it was not even intended doing this cut ...and i shouldnt be proud because its only luck? but I was so happy after getting this hard cut - getting a hardcut on a map that is very old and where cutting seems impossible was the best record I ever did..

Last edited by togftogf (2014-06-30 02:52:32)


#36 2014-06-30 03:49:45

Registered: 2013-01-09
Posts: 59

Re: Lucker Records

togftogf wrote:

I got a very lucky cut in this map: 52qvxYJfMdG_oaTMLIa6ioaW6N8
Time looks very strange - like obvious hack... And I guess next who see it reports.
Just found this topic and sure its right place for this!

I drived close to the wall and jumped a bit off with a bug... Im sure you know this bug and happened to you too sometimes when you drived close to the wall over this grey part. After jumping off I turned vertically in flight so I tried grassslide . Whilest hitting the wall with the grasslide something like uberbug happened and I got directly on the platform with the fins.
Looked very weird because of those crazy bugs big_smile
Sounds unbelievable... Even me who saw this dont believe that happened but everything possible for lucker.

The problem is - I got a blue screen directly after getting this record ): (I have pc that get bluescreen like all 15 minutes... ): )
So the replay not saved in autosaves folder ):
I know it was not even intended doing this cut ...and i shouldnt be proud because its only luck? but I was so happy after getting this hard cut - getting a hardcut on a map that is very old and where cutting seems impossible was the best record I ever did..

nice try mate :S
i do now this map and your description is not possible in any way. you do not have the speed you'll need for this so called "uberbug".  Check your cp compared to anyone else, it makes no sense at all. ( … ;Limit=400). One could say you took a wider line to gain more speed but as this map is on grass you would acheive the opposite. them convinience Bluescreens :S (first time hearing that excuse tho.) There is just no way it happend like you told.

Even some of your other recs are looking weird

Last edited by moron12 (2014-06-30 04:06:54)


#37 2014-06-30 04:47:27

>>>> hi all >>>>
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Registered: 2014-06-30
Posts: 5

Re: Lucker Records

I posted this because it seems impossible... and you seem to be very convinced....

You did your post 50 minutes after I did so you tried max 50 minutes.. but if you try 50 minutes and not get it doesnt mean its impossible.
I know my cptimes are worse than the others... but if you get a hardcut doesnt matter if you waste 0.20 with bad start.


#38 2014-06-30 05:56:50

Registered: 2013-01-09
Posts: 59

Re: Lucker Records

togftogf wrote:

I posted this because it seems impossible... and you seem to be very convinced....

You did your post 50 minutes after I did so you tried max 50 minutes.. but if you try 50 minutes and not get it doesnt mean its impossible.
I know my cptimes are worse than the others... but if you get a hardcut doesnt matter if you waste 0.20 with bad start.

i did not try it at all because i know the map. ye and i am pretty convinced that this will not work, because you can't get those "Bugs" you talking about with such  low speed and as i said before your bad cp indicates that you were much slower (cuz of the grass) than the avg dedimania records and therefore your chance in getting these bugs are 0 sorry that is a fact.


#39 2014-06-30 13:48:55

Registered: 2013-06-28
Posts: 35

Re: Lucker Records

All of your times stand way out of the obvious if you ask me. And that sudden pc crash while people make sick wrs doesn't catch on here.

Good job for coming here anyways, you just reported yourself in a funny way.


#40 2014-07-01 15:23:36

>>>> hi all >>>>
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Registered: 2014-06-30
Posts: 5

Re: Lucker Records

I dont know why ALL MY TIMES stand out of the obvious... but I can send you some of my dedi 1 replays to show they are not here.

Explain why the other records looking suspect to you.
Some of the records are driven on maps not played often yet ( if you look at the span between dedi 1 and 30 you see its big) and even if there is a gap between my time and dedi 2 there is faster possible - but map not played by many good players yet.
I could say xkayakx suspect time too fIi5b0NIgEVbJMXo5oPZToWkI6f gap between his/her dedi 1 and dedi 2 is about 0.50 standing out of the obvious must be hack!! But I know its not because map not played often enough...
And moron12 time suspect here nLB94YgTTX30S2ohTaKM5jPZzJ map seems to be played often and there is gap between his dedi 1 and dedi 2 . very suspect! big_smile
After watching the replay of crank 52  I saw end looks a bit weird . Must be a big lag. When my 6 brothers play call of duty online at same time while I am playing trackmania of course its lagging a lot  - we only have 1kb/h internetspeed for the whole family sad
I hate hacker and I would never hack.

Last edited by togftogf (2014-07-01 15:49:50)


#41 2014-07-01 19:45:38

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1990

Re: Lucker Records

togftogf wrote:

but I can send you some of my dedi 1 replays to show they are not here.

Never post files to some other service when they can and should be uploaded to TMX: … id=4385342 … id=5936701

Also, don't try to distract from your own entries by bringing up other player's entries - they are unrelated to and irrelevant for the discussion of your entries.


#42 2014-07-01 21:09:38

Registered: 2013-01-09
Posts: 59

Re: Lucker Records … 85342#auto

six brother my ... stop wasting everyones time. this replay 100% cheat and says everything.

@the map you posted about me: then report me... officially in the right topic. you came here with your story and got busted thats how i see it.

Last edited by moron12 (2014-07-01 21:16:39)


#43 2014-07-01 21:24:18

>>>> hi all >>>>
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Registered: 2014-06-30
Posts: 5

Re: Lucker Records

Posted them in tmx now... you are right tmx id the best place because everyone who like to see them finds them easy.

I wasnt trying to distract from my entries... the other posters just reacted very offensive..

Xymph xD Why are my records not deleted yet... As I exppected you dont delete them when I come eith bad excuses .. if someone has excuses like me cant be true..its so obvious xD you should be a bit more consequent with deleting entries when there is no replay shown big_smile If a player has some suspect entries and not able to show one of them(only able to show bad excuses) its obvious hacker and all records should be deleted...
There is a hack where driven records are shown is valid and they are not with the name tm reactor... would be nice if you do something for replays driven by this hack not get stored anymore. i think most of the hackers use this tool. And a lot entries out there driven by thids tool.. and delete my records now xD


#44 2014-07-01 21:31:09

Registered: 2013-01-09
Posts: 59

Re: Lucker Records

togftogf wrote:

Posted them in tmx now... you are right tmx id the best place because everyone who like to see them finds them easy.

I wasnt trying to distract from my entries... the other posters just reacted very offensive..

Xymph xD Why are my records not deleted yet... As I exppected you dont delete them when I come eith bad excuses .. if someone has excuses like me cant be true..its so obvious xD you should be a bit more consequent with deleting entries when there is no replay shown big_smile If a player has some suspect entries and not able to show one of them(only able to show bad excuses) its obvious hacker and all records should be deleted...
There is a hack where driven records are shown is valid and they are not with the name tm reactor... would be nice if you do something for replays driven by this hack not get stored anymore. i think most of the hackers use this tool. And a lot entries out there driven by thids tool.. and delete my records now xD

thanks for wasting everyones time... Xymph has nothing to do with replays. go ask nadeo for help. sersiously this guy. inform yourself before acting like a child


#45 2014-07-01 22:35:44

« ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
From: Slovenia
Registered: 2013-03-17
Posts: 156

Re: Lucker Records

togftogf wrote:

I could say xkayakx suspect time too fIi5b0NIgEVbJMXo5oPZToWkI6f gap between his/her dedi 1 and dedi 2 is about 0.50 standing out of the obvious must be hack!! But I know its not because map not played often enough...

I drove this on my 2nd acc that I use on other computers, so mine is safe. If you want I can post even faster replay easily ^^

Edit by Xymph: fixed the quote.

Last edited by xymph (2014-07-01 23:10:59)


#46 2014-11-30 15:12:30

ZZ°Top ?????.??
From: Italy
Registered: 2011-06-25
Posts: 83

Re: Lucker Records

Hello Xymph

I want to tell about a record by my buddy pro_94_ on map 4ntqoWZnfCSURG__PYQoJY2OhT8 (a.k.a. one of the super classics of the game, GR's Sticky Tarmac)
the CPs are quite messed up but the time is legit. He gets out of first wallride and 20000% luck he gets shot inside the last cp, he respawns and finish (so second-to-last sector much faster and last sector much slower). It's the first time this map gets cut in years so it may look very weird.
I'll get hand to his replay soon (he can't upload to tmx because it's from old TMN TMX) but I want to write this already so he doesn't get in troubles tongue


#47 2014-11-30 16:16:23

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1990

Re: Lucker Records

enryx13 wrote:

I want to tell about a record by my buddy pro_94_ on map 4ntqoWZnfCSURG__PYQoJY2OhT8 (a.k.a. one of the super classics of the game, GR's Sticky Tarmac)
the CPs are quite messed up but the time is legit. He gets out of first wallride and 20000% luck he gets shot inside the last cp, he respawns and finish (so second-to-last sector much faster and last sector much slower). It's the first time this map gets cut in years so it may look very weird.
I'll get hand to his replay soon (he can't upload to tmx because it's from old TMN TMX) but I want to write this already so he doesn't get in troubles tongue

Ok, curious to see that.


#48 2014-12-01 21:33:30

ZZ°Top ?????.??
From: Italy
Registered: 2011-06-25
Posts: 83

Re: Lucker Records

xymph wrote:

enryx13 wrote:

I want to tell about a record by my buddy pro_94_ on map 4ntqoWZnfCSURG__PYQoJY2OhT8 (a.k.a. one of the super classics of the game, GR's Sticky Tarmac)
the CPs are quite messed up but the time is legit. He gets out of first wallride and 20000% luck he gets shot inside the last cp, he respawns and finish (so second-to-last sector much faster and last sector much slower). It's the first time this map gets cut in years so it may look very weird.
I'll get hand to his replay soon (he can't upload to tmx because it's from old TMN TMX) but I want to write this already so he doesn't get in troubles tongue

Ok, curious to see that.

got no replay (yet) but he made a video of it
it's together with some other offline faster runs he did
hope it's enough tongue


#49 2021-12-26 14:02:48

New member
Registered: 2021-12-21
Posts: 7

Re: Lucker Records … y.Gbx?dl=0 for p68cTcx7ZcWjMKO_mwiLsvogY_b

Here's my replay smile

Last edited by xymph (2021-12-26 14:25:26)


#50 2022-01-21 13:37:03

New member
Registered: 2015-10-30
Posts: 7

Re: Lucker Records

Again a Record that got deleted. big_smile … tov4wALy78

Lol Fun Nr. 2 by axelalex2
Pls restore the WR.


#51 2022-01-21 23:00:51

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1990

Re: Lucker Records

dalbor93 wrote:

Again a Record that got deleted. … tov4wALy78

Lol Fun Nr. 2 by axelalex2
Pls restore the WR.

Well, that proves once again that people driving lucker entries should post the replay here (or on TMX once it's back) immediately after, instead of only once the entry is deleted. That saves everyone (well, especially me, which is what matters most in this situation wink ) some time. Restored.


#52 2022-01-22 10:25:30

New member
Registered: 2015-10-30
Posts: 7

Re: Lucker Records

Well, that proves once again that people driving lucker entries should post the replay here (or on TMX once it's back) immediately after, instead of only once the entry is deleted. That saves everyone (well, especially me, which is what matters most in this situation wink ) some time. Restored.

I normally upload them to TMX smile
But well, at the moment not poss.

TY, Mate!


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