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#1 2014-10-17 09:02:11

New member
From: HULL
Registered: 2014-07-17
Posts: 5

Vreplay is bad … mp;t=28897

"So for the last 8-10 months all the maps ive added to TMX … lie-maykit
will not save dedimania times. If you look at the comments on my maps they say dedi times not saved. This happens with xaseco and eXpansion.
After 2 days of chatting to Reaby and W1lla I have done a full clean re-install of maniaplanet using the Minimal setup.
I have added nothing to the game like customs skins or avatars.
Today I ran the "ManiaPlanet_logs - Shortcut" here is the log file … -06-03.txt
and here is a img of the server with eXpansion and the error produced there … .jpg?dl=0.
As you can see eXpansion shows "Error string:Warning in method_helper.php(1196): VReplay is bad !"
I also get the similar result with xaseco.
This only happens for MY maps, all other author maps I can save dedi times on.
This is my Maniaplanet version
I do hope that there is someone who can offer help/advice.

At this moment in time the only thing I can think of is that my login has issues "willie-maykit" with minus sign."

Ive been trying to resolve this issue now for a while.
As the last post in the above ManiaPlanet forum link suggests I have posted this here to see if its a dedi issue.
Maybe some one here can shed some light on this.

If there is any more info needed please ask.

Last edited by tm2:willie-maykit (2014-10-17 10:30:30)


#2 2014-10-26 16:06:35

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 880

Re: Vreplay is bad

tm2:willie-maykit wrote:

This only happens for MY maps, all other author maps I can save dedi times on.

At this moment in time the only thing I can think of is that my login has issues "willie-maykit" with minus sign."

As the last post in the above ManiaPlanet forum link suggests I have posted this here to see if its a dedi issue.
Maybe some one here can shed some light on this.

If there is any more info needed please ask.

Well, that seems very strange (btw you already knows that).
Anyway, if you get "VReplay is bad" then it means either of :
- your vreplay is really bad
- vreplay is badly sent
- dedimania failed to check your vreplay and think wrongly that it is bad.

Some more info and tests would be helpful :
- does it work on your server and script with maps made by others ?
- does it work on your server with your map for another player ?
- does it work with your maps on some other server ? (for you ? and for others ?)

Also to be sure :
* is your server running on your playing computer or on another one ?  if first case, are you sure that the script is connected to the dedicated server and not your game (ie the connection port is really the one used by the dedicated) ?
* you are not trying on the current map after running the script ? => you should always wait next map or restart (because the script will know only times of runs started after the script is on, but the vreplay of best time will eventually be one of a run made before the script was started, making a mismatch)

Depending of your answer we'll know if it's definitively a problem on your side. If not then some tests on your vreplay will have to be done...


#3 2014-10-28 19:49:06

New member
From: HULL
Registered: 2014-07-17
Posts: 5

Re: Vreplay is bad

THX TX-Slig for the reply

Testing with w1lla as server host (outside of my country) will post back soon.


#4 2014-10-28 20:15:07

New member
Registered: 2014-10-28
Posts: 3

Re: Vreplay is bad

C:\tmn\expansion>php bootstrapper.php

_|      _|                      _|            _|        _|
_|_|  _|_|    _|_|_|  _|_|_|          _|_|_|  _|            _|    _|    _|_|
_|  _|  _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|        _|  _|    _|  _|_|_|_|
_|      _|  _|    _|  _|    _|  _|  _|    _|  _|        _|  _|  _|    _|
_|      _|    _|_|_|  _|    _|  _|    _|_|_|  _|_|_|_|  _|    _|        _|_|_|
PHP Environment Compatibility Test
PHP 5.3.1 or newer    -> required  -> [ Yes ] 5.4.17
Standard PHP Library  -> required  -> [ Yes ]
JSON                  -> required  -> [ Yes ]
cURL with SSL         -> required  -> [ Yes ] 7.30.0 (with OpenSSL/0.9.8y)
MySQL                 -> optional  -> [ Yes ]
SQLite3               -> optional  -> [ Yes ]
Running ManiaLive 4.0.0...
[PluginHandler] Start plugin load process:

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\AutoLoad\AutoLoad" 0
[eXpansion] AutoLoading eXpansion pack ...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Core\Core" 0.9.7...

                     __   __                      _
                     \ \ / /                     (_)
                  ___ \ ' / _ __   __ _ _ __  ___ _  ___  _ __
                 / _ \ > < | '_ \ / _` | '_ \/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \
                |  __// . \| |_) | (_| | | | \__ \ | (_) | | | |
                 \___/_/ \_\ .__/ \__,_|_| |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|
...........................| |.........Plugin Pack for Manialive...............

Dedicated Server running for title: TMValley
Dedicated Server api version in use: 2013-04-16
eXpansion version: 0.9.7
Minimum Dedicated version 2014.7.24: Pass (2014.10.20)
Minimum PHP version 5.3.3: Pass (5.4.17)
Garbage Collector enabled: Pass

Version 0.9.7  $n build 2014-10-28 07:48:56 PM

Language support detected for: en,fi,de,fr!
Enabling default locale:


[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\AdminGroups\AdminGro
ups" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\AutoUpdate\AutoUpdat
e" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Chat_Admin\Chat_Admi
n" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Gui\Gui" 0.1...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Menu\Menu" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Adm\Adm" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Database\Database" 0

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Chatlog\Chatlog" 0.9
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Emotes\Emotes" 0.9.7
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\DonatePanel\DonatePa
nel" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Faq\Faq" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\JoinLeaveMessage\Joi
nLeaveMessage" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\LocalRecords\LocalRe
cords" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\ManiaExchange\ManiaE
xchange" 0.9.7...

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\MapRatings\MapRating
s" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Maps\Maps" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\PersonalMessages\Per
sonalMessages" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Players\Players" 0.9
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Statistics\Statistic
s" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Votes\Votes" 0.9.7..

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_Clock\Widget
s_Clock" 0.9.7...

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_BestCheckpoi
nts\Widgets_BestCheckpoints" 0.9.7...

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_EndRankings\
Widgets_EndRankings" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_PersonalBest
\Widgets_PersonalBest" 0.9.7...

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_Times\Widget
s_Times" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_ResSkip\Widg
ets_ResSkip" 0.9.7...

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_ServerInfo\W
idgets_ServerInfo" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_LocalRecords
\Widgets_LocalRecords" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Widgets_LiveRankings
\Widgets_LiveRankings" 0.9.7...
[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\SM_EventHelper\SM_Ev
entHelper" 0.9.7...
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[PluginHandler] All registered plugins have been loaded

[PluginHandler] Loading plugin "\ManiaLivePlugins\eXpansion\Dedimania\Dedimania"
[eXpansion][Adm/AdminPanel][DediMania/Connection][Dedimania] Authentication succ
ess to dedimania server!
[LocalRecods]Updating Ranks for uEBicGCbpif2J9x4VnlziEVEm25 Started ...
[LocalRecods]Updating Ranks for uEBicGCbpif2J9x4VnlziEVEm25 Ended in : 0.027001m
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[eXpansion][Adm/AdminPanel][DediMania/Connection][Dedimania service return error
] Method:dedimania.SetChallengeTimes
[eXpansion][Adm/AdminPanel][DediMania/Connection]Error string:Warning in method_
helper.php(1196): VReplay is bad !
[eXpansion][Adm/AdminPanel][DediMania/Connection][Dedimania] Sending times new t
imes: Success
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[19:55:51] Map change: Easy Peasy -> Easy Peasy - 2
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[Dedimania] No new replay.
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[20:01:21] Map change: Easy Peasy - 2 -> Easy Peasy - 3
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[Dedimania] No new replay.
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[20:06:50] Map change: Easy Peasy - 3 -> SunShine
/[LocalRecods]Updating Ranks for UXmBujKS6AbTDZY2LAiwhlqVSc8 Started ...
[LocalRecods]Updating Ranks for UXmBujKS6AbTDZY2LAiwhlqVSc8 Ended in : 0.004ms
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[eXpansion][Adm/AdminPanel][DediMania/Connection][Dedimania service return error
] Method:dedimania.SetChallengeTimes
[eXpansion][Adm/AdminPanel][DediMania/Connection]Error string:Warning in method_
helper.php(1196): VReplay is bad !
[eXpansion][Adm/AdminPanel][DediMania/Connection][Dedimania] Sending times new t
imes: Success
[LocalRecods]Fetching Server Ranks from Database !
[20:12:20] Map change: SunShine -> Valley 1st attempt


#5 2014-10-28 21:07:47

MakeLove ?
New member
Registered: 2014-08-04
Posts: 7

Re: Vreplay is bad

i tried it too on my own server which has no problems with dedis so i guess ill help answers the questions smile

- does it work on your server and script with maps made by others ? -> Yes

- does it work on your server with your map for another player ? -> No

- does it work with your maps on some other server ? (for you ? and for others ?) -> No -> No

basically maps made by him do not save dedis for all players on all servers.


#6 2014-10-29 11:28:33

New member
Registered: 2014-10-28
Posts: 3

Re: Vreplay is bad

Server: TimeAttack.

Xaseco2 tells me the following:

[10/29,11:12:16] [Dedimania] Validation replay inconsistent for willie-maykit:
skipped 23255 (2873,10673,22891,23255) race: 4 all: 4
[10/29,11:12:16] [Dedimania] Validation replay inconsistent for emanrovemanhcan:
skipped 25808 (2873,11289,25386,25808) race: 4 all: 4
[10/29,11:12:16] [Dedimania] Validation replay inconsistent for akym23: skipped
32691 (4880,16190,32290,32691) race: 4 all: 4

So a gbx issue maybe?


#7 2014-10-29 11:54:23

New member
From: HULL
Registered: 2014-07-17
Posts: 5

Re: Vreplay is bad

MakeLove/w1lla massive thanks for the info you have added here.
I did hope that there might be at least 1 more person with the issue im having.

Bellow is my sys spec just in case it could be something there.

Mobo  - M5A97 PRO
Mem  - 16 gig
Grafix - G-Force GTX 560
HardDrive - Corsair Force 3 SSD SATA
HID Compliant Mouse and Keyboard
Processor - AMD (FX) 8350 8-Core
Standard 21" LCD Monitor
Windows 7 64 bit all updated.


#8 2014-10-29 18:09:22

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1990

Re: Vreplay is bad

tm2:w1lla wrote:

Server: TimeAttack.

Xaseco2 tells me the following:

[10/29,11:12:16] [Dedimania] Validation replay inconsistent for willie-maykit:
skipped 23255 (2873,10673,22891,23255) race: 4 all: 4
[10/29,11:12:16] [Dedimania] Validation replay inconsistent for emanrovemanhcan:
skipped 25808 (2873,11289,25386,25808) race: 4 all: 4
[10/29,11:12:16] [Dedimania] Validation replay inconsistent for akym23: skipped
32691 (4880,16190,32290,32691) race: 4 all: 4

So a gbx issue maybe? … 4492#p4492 … 4501#p4501


#9 2014-10-29 20:54:28

New member
Registered: 2014-10-28
Posts: 3

Re: Vreplay is bad

Removed the whole if statement.

I get a return back:

VReplay is bad. Warning in method_helper.php(1196) dedimania_endmap_cb


VReplay data:

<header type="replay" exever="3.3.0" exebuild="2014-10-23_16_29" title="TMValley
"><map uid="Z7VFMZFf37UWeuQsYZ4Dn8IXdsk" name="Easy Peasy - 3" author="willie-ma
ykit" authorzone="World|Europe|United Kingdom|England|Yorkshire & the Humb"/><de
sc envir="Valley" mood="" maptype="Trackmania\Race" mapstyle="" displaycost="0"
mod="" /><playermodel id="ValleyCar"/><times best="38210" respawns="0" stuntscor
e="0" validable="1"/><checkpoints cur="6" onelap="1"/></header>

dedi_get_greplay - parsed ghost replay:
<header type="replay" exever="3.3.0" exebuild="2014-10-23_16_29" title="TMValley
"><map uid="Z7VFMZFf37UWeuQsYZ4Dn8IXdsk" name="Easy Peasy - 3" author="willie-ma
ykit" authorzone="World|Europe|United Kingdom|England|Yorkshire & the Humb"/><de
sc envir="Valley" mood="Day" maptype="Trackmania\Race" mapstyle="" displaycost="
0" mod="" /><playermodel id="ValleyCar"/><times best="38210" respawns="0" stunts
core="0" validable="1"/><checkpoints cur="6" onelap="6"/></header>

hope this can help

For a good map:

VReplay Data:
dedi_get_vreplay - parsed validation replay:
<header type="replay" exever="3.3.0" exebuild="2014-10-23_16_29" title="TMValley"><map uid="Z7VFMZFf37UWeuQsYZ4Dn8IXdsk" name="Easy Peasy - 3" author="willie-maykit" authorzone="World|Europe|United Kingdom|England|Yorkshire & the Humb"/><desc envir="Valley" mood="" maptype="Trackmania\Race" mapstyle="" displaycost="0" mod="" /><playermodel id="ValleyCar"/><times best="38210" respawns="0" stuntscore="0" validable="1"/><checkpoints cur="6" onelap="1"/></header>

dedi_get_greplay - parsed ghost replay:
<header type="replay" exever="3.3.0" exebuild="2014-10-23_16_29" title="TMValley"><map uid="Z7VFMZFf37UWeuQsYZ4Dn8IXdsk" name="Easy Peasy - 3" author="willie-maykit" authorzone="World|Europe|United Kingdom|England|Yorkshire & the Humb"/><desc envir="Valley" mood="Day" maptype="Trackmania\Race" mapstyle="" displaycost="0" mod="" /><playermodel id="ValleyCar"/><times best="38210" respawns="0" stuntscore="0" validable="1"/><checkpoints cur="6" onelap="6"/></header>

Last edited by tm2:w1lla (2014-10-29 21:13:28)


#10 2014-10-30 08:45:40

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 880

Re: Vreplay is bad

It was because of the  authorzone="World|Europe|United Kingdom|England|Yorkshire & the Humb" which has the '&' badly encoded (it should be '&amp;' in a xml field, like it is done for the map name) and make my xml decoder fail.  sad

I have fixed it on dedimania side by filtering/replacing it in the xml string before decoding. It should be ok now  smile  ... for client scripts that does not have the problem on their side (fast4.0.0t need a fix for example)

Very strange that no one had reported that problem before.


#11 2014-10-30 09:30:09

New member
From: HULL
Registered: 2014-07-17
Posts: 5

Re: Vreplay is bad

WoW can not believe that it was something so stupid like my location I set in-game that was the issue.


BIG THX to w1lla for getting the info and Slig for correcting it, and everyone who posted here to help resolve this.

Now I can carry on creating bad maps and getting dedimania records on them smile


#12 2014-10-30 20:24:47

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 880

Re: Vreplay is bad

tm2:willie-maykit wrote:

Now I can carry on creating bad maps and getting dedimania records on them smile



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