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#1 2020-11-30 17:15:56

?? :?aradiz L??G |??+??
Registered: 2014-11-07
Posts: 118

Board display

Just an observation:

When the dedi board is displayed we often see the top 30 and not the top 7 for ex.

To me it is like a bug.
Normaly we should see top 16, if any space, and NOT the top 30, only on the reason that the top 30 is the last of dedi board. Best dedis should have the priority of display, I hope you catch what i mean big_smile

Ex. here: [The ex. on the Right seems more logical, better player/performances are shown and honored, and not the worst (of the best big_smile)]

I think this should be fixed !!

thx !

tm2:vrbnjak wrote:

I think right image just shows your personal preference because you're ranking high, but not high enough to be displayed.

It will always display top3 and +/- 6 ranks of your current one, provided you have one. Unless you rank high enough that it will display 1st - 16th. If you haven't got a top30 however, it will simply show top3 and bottom 13, so you have an idea what time to drive to get into top30.
This system makes perfect sense as it still displays top3, but also other records within a closer range of your own, provided you have one.

Not sure why you would display more higher ranking records. In sports there's also podium only for top3, while the rest doesn't get a special step to stand on, or hold a shiny medal/trophy.

I don't think anything needs fixing, as everything regarding this already makes perfect sense.

So, when having no rec, showing the performance of THE top 30 (which means one guy) can have a sense, but then only displaing top 15+ the top 30, that seems more legitimate to honorate the best performances first.

Last edited by namm1 (2020-11-30 17:20:48)


#2 2020-11-30 21:59:06

Moderator TMĀ²
From: Slovenia
Registered: 2015-01-26
Posts: 351

Re: Board display

You have already posted this once here!

I get that you've got a fire in you for improvement, but sometimes you just need to realize, that if it isn't according to your personal preference, it's not necessarily a bug or in need of fixing. Trying to argue that your idea of something is the right one only makes it less likely to be taken seriously.



#3 2020-12-01 09:46:49

?? :?aradiz L??G |??+??
Registered: 2014-11-07
Posts: 118

Re: Board display

though that was the place to put my question according to xymph, but it's not ! big_smile

If you can please ! send my question to … p;t=26504. THis post is published there.

you can delete this post, thx, and sry

Last edited by namm1 (2020-12-02 16:10:27)


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