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#1 2011-07-23 16:15:20

«?lƒ» zvergl
New member
Registered: 2011-07-20
Posts: 2


I have a problem. Please help me.

Starting Fast3.2.x...

Using dedicated config file : ingame.cfg

[07/23,16:07:16] ##############################################################
[07/23,16:07:16] Connection to TM server:
[07/23,16:08:16] ##############################################################
[07/23,16:08:16] An error occurred - -32300:transport error - could not open soc
ket (error: 10060, Vzpostavitev povezave ni uspela, ker se povezana stranka ni p
ravilno odzvala v navedenem Ŕasu, ali pa je bila vzpostavljena povezava prekinje
na, ker se povezani gostitelj ni uspel odzvati.
[07/23,16:08:16] Can't connect to the TM server on xmlrpc port ! Is it started ?

[07/23,16:08:16] Are you sure your server xmlrpc is on ?
[07/23,16:08:16] ##############################################################
Fatal error: could not connect to TM server !
Press any key to continue . . .

What is wrong?

Thank you


#2 2011-07-23 17:41:01

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 880

Re: problem

you are trying to use it with a server started from the game ?  you should better use the dedicated.

Btw... your game probably don't use the port 5000. You can use tcpview for example to check the port really used by your game, 5000 is the default if you did not change it in config, but if something in the system already used it then the game will use the first free one bigger than 5000. Once you have found the right one, edit ingame.cfg and adjust the xmlrpc port value to the right one.


#3 2011-07-23 23:06:34

«?lƒ» zvergl
New member
Registered: 2011-07-20
Posts: 2

Re: problem

thank you.


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