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#1 2012-09-17 11:26:41

New member
From: SA , Australia
Registered: 2012-09-17
Posts: 1

How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Hi all smile

i am a TM2 Racer for DriftN, and i would like to be able to download myself and teams dedimania replays for the records and for videos etc. When i login to all the sites, Maniaplanet,dedimania,TM1,TM2 etc. etc.

I get to a page that tells me to "upgrade my dedimania account" to download a replay from your records. How do i do this ? do i have to donate ? sexual favours to the admins big_smile ? i am willing to do anything to get this access..




#2 2012-09-20 22:43:03

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

I still not have integrated something automatic about it, so i still have to upgrade manually...

Indicate what you want in the paypal comment (use first button on ), if it's too long for it then send me a MP on … &u=190

The default number of records by challenge/game mode on Dedimania for TM² is 30(*). It means that :

* a player who increased its own maxrank will be able to make records above rank 30, whatever the server maxrank is !

* a server who increased its maxrank will allow all its players to make records above rank 30 (some players may also have individually a maxrank higher) !

So, for each player playing on a server, his effective maxrank is the higest of his own maxrank and the server maxrank.
Donation to Dedimania to get premium access (use the 2nd part paypal button on , make in a comment about what login to what maxrank so i will know what to upgrade) :

Premium server account: (no duration limit)
- 2€ => top40
- 6€ => top60
- 10€ => top80

Premium player account: (no duration limit, any premium account has replays access if previously registered one time on so i can change its status)
- 1€ => top40
- 2€ => top60
- 3€ => top80
- 4€ => top100

(*) maybe less than 30 for free games/environments/modes (ie actually Stadium² in TimeAttack), to compensate the increased number of servers, maps and players, and encourage their users to do small donations.

Note1: The main goal is to get enough money to rent the Dedimania server, because beginning 2013 donations are only about 30% of the server cost from beginning !... (hopefully I could migrate to a less expensive server mid 2011 and beginning 2013 than the one used in 2010, but with TM Stadium + TM2 Stadium perhaps the current one will become really overloaded).
Note2: The increased limitations for players and/or servers have no duration limit, but there is no guaranty about how much time the Dedimania records service will work. Anyway, it will be kept active at least 6 monthes after you have bought your increased limitation.


#3 2013-02-28 19:28:56

Registered: 2013-01-09
Posts: 59

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Btw. how do you save those replays? Cuause i checked the stats and there are just replays from a few drivers.
Is there any more information about that? And will it be available in Stadium² too?



#4 2013-02-28 20:54:21

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Ghost replays are only sent for top1, and they are kept only if still in top3 (or top5 i don't remember).
The validation replay of the best time is always sent by controllers, at each end of map.
This is mainly against cheats. The possibility for upgraded players to get them is only a nice side effect. wink

Yes, it will be available for Stadium² (and i hope Valley soon...) of course, just :

- I got Stadium² yesterday like all of us (except probably few ones), so I will probably work on scripts to handle Stadium² next week-end.

-  90% of the tmf dedimania server charge is caused by pure stadium servers, but very very few pure nations/stadium players participate in donations. I'm mostly angry about having payed so much last years (at least 2000€, donations deducted) essentially because of stadium, source of the need for a huge server... and i am wondering what I will do about Stadium².
Probably (not sure yet), the free online mode (TimeAttack if Hylis don't change his mind) will have halfed maxrank (ie 15) for accounts not premium/upgraded on dedimania.


#5 2013-02-28 22:30:35

Registered: 2013-01-09
Posts: 59

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

thx for your response that's sounds really cool:D hope you will find a good solution for all that, but i have no doubts about that:P

got another question tho:
what does maxrank mean? just 15 records in dedimania?

doing a good job here



#6 2013-03-01 17:56:04

L?'z. ????????.
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Registered: 2010-09-07
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

what i would have to donate every month to have top100 recordsfor every body?
or can i spend a part from my server, to half the load of your server?
how much GB does the dedimania database have?

thanks for reply

Last edited by the-big-gll. (2013-03-01 21:19:57)


#7 2013-03-01 20:13:36

»???« xsam.hZ'
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Registered: 2013-02-19
Posts: 9

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

we have to donate money to have dedirecords on our server? its a joke right?


#8 2013-03-02 01:06:23

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

the-big-gll. wrote:

what i would have to donate every month to have top100 recordsfor every body?

xsam1 wrote:

we have to donate money to have dedirecords on our server? its a joke right?

As always, those who never want to participate in anything, and are also not trying to really read posted informations, are writing stupid things... roll

What I have suggested (which is still not a definitive choice) is that TA records on Stadium² would be limited to top15 for non premium accounts.
And premium accounts cost is indicated few post above. If you really find that 2€ paid one time for a server to get several years access to records is so much, then yes, you just demonstrate that you deserve a top15 max limit for free (on the free game modes).

or can i spend a part from my server, to half the load of your server?

I suggest you to develop your own system using scripts, accesses and database, shared on multiple servers that you can't really control nor rely on in future...

how much GB does the dedimania database have?

It's not a problem of GB. It a problem of both simultaneous clients accesses and accesses to databases with big tables.

Actually, for TMF:
- 13 412 821 records entries (11 618 416 for stadium)
- 448 576 maps entries (387 250 for stadium)
- 4 173 444 players entries
- 45 878 servers entries (last played map was Stadium on 32 676)
- about 1800 online (ie connected)

For Canyon:
- 767 250 records entries
- 38 928 maps entries
- 80 473 players entries
- 2 297 servers entries
- about 300 online (ie connected)

Worst for load was 2 years ago before the freezone : it was about 4000 online, and at that time it really needed a huge server (which i rent about 150€/month during more than 1 year). Hopefully now it need less, and also server prices are lower. Anyway, without free tmn/f there would be have 80% less clients, so a far cheaper server whould have been sufficient.
Perhaps that you misunderstood something ?... I'm not Nadeo : I rent it with my own money, spent spare time to develop tools, and Xymph spend lot of spare time to remove bad/cheated records on TMF.


#9 2013-03-02 01:11:46

»???« xsam.hZ'
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Registered: 2013-02-19
Posts: 9

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

aha 15 records for free?ok but at the moment we do not see any dedi records...


#10 2013-03-02 01:17:39

»???« xsam.hZ'
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Registered: 2013-02-19
Posts: 9

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

but no problem. we do not pay for tm2 when we also have to pay for 30 dedi records on our server.....

we have to pay the root servers
we have to pay the game
and now we have to pay the 30 dedimania records... so ... bye

Last edited by xsam1 (2013-03-02 01:18:05)


#11 2013-03-02 01:24:44

Registered: 2008-12-08
Posts: 49

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

xsam1 wrote:

aha 15 records for free?ok but at the moment we do not see any dedi records...

its the beta version of tm2stadium - i think in the finalversion we have the dedimaniarecords

you have in the freeversion 15 dedis on maps - thats ok ? for free ^^


#12 2013-03-02 01:50:18

L?'z. ????????.
New member
Registered: 2010-09-07
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

slig like you see there are a lot of big servers in the community so why you don't make it possible for intrested ppl to serve dedimania records also.
For example your server as master and 10-20 slaves that cache the db and driven records goes directly to your master so abuse is not possible and you have less load on your maschine. So hoster that want to support dedimania can do that with resources that they already have.

I mean i have intel 2600k, 32gb ram and mysql on an ssd raid. I think this system can answer some request or not? And also you have lots of higher redundancy.

I really want to support dedimania but it don't make since to increase the record limit just for 1 server or player that have to be done for all, and i think with 10-20 server it won't be that big problem to have top 100 dedimania records.

thanks for response



#13 2013-03-02 03:31:00

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

slig like you see there are a lot of big servers in the community so why you don't make it possible for intrested ppl to serve dedimania records also.
For example your server as master and 10-20 slaves that cache the db and driven records goes directly to your master so abuse is not possible and you have less load on your maschine. So hoster that want to support dedimania can do that with resources that they already have.

The idea of slaves is interesting, but the part to synchronize databases is not so simple. If i understand your idea, each slave would be a little like a proxy. But the datas are not only updated when there are new records, other infos are stored, so the write load on the master database would not really be reduced. And it would be a big work to do something really reliable.

Or else, handling a fragmented or distributed database is of course possible, but such thing need to rewrite all, and is far more complicated. I will surely not start such project.

Also, all solutions needs servers with guaranty that they will stay 100% up and available many monthes and years (dedimania exists for 6 years now). And, either the clients would need updates to include slaves addresses (so problems if a slave if off, or change), either the master would have to work as a load balancer and redirect requests to the slaves (in that case i'm not sure about the gain, and it multiplies the bandwidth x3).

I know nobody having a big server and propose a 100% up server with full access with guaranties that it will stay available many monthes and years (and of course with a reliable network connection, house hosting is not an option). It's not a 'hey, i share you a nice server 3 monthes' game...
If someone is willing to rent such big server to share it, then why not just participate with donations instead ?

I really want to support dedimania but it don't make since to increase the record limit just for 1 server or player that have to be done for all, and i think with 10-20 server it won't be that big problem to have top 100 dedimania records.

Actually having a global 100 records on TMF would mean 40 000 000 records entries !
Here you were speaking about frontend slaves, which means that each one need to have the complete database (and synchronized). It can't be just splitted !  The database files are 3.4GB, it would be 10GB : it's not a 20s copy... and mysql replicas are what they are : most time they are stable, but sometimes not.   Eventually the replays can be just stored on the master, but that's all (currently it's only Canyon: 3.8GB for validation replays and 28GB for ghost replays)

the-big-gll. wrote:

I mean i have intel 2600k, 32gb ram and mysql on an ssd raid. I think this system can answer some request or not? And also you have lots of higher redundancy.

At home ? or ?...
Unused ? or ?...

If you want to pay and take the whole project, you are welcome !... but then you take the whole thing and assume it !... ie provide server, and the service, for years...  No way to stop 6 monthes later because you don't play TM any more.
I won't just keep the technical part without a real control of the server(s) handling (else it's not a hobby any more ; you pay the server and you pay me for the tech part)

edit: I computed the server(s) rent cost from beginning (March 2007) : 5401€ . And donations total from beginning are about 1700€ (including unbans).


#14 2013-03-02 05:14:14

[????] M????????0
New member
From: Netherlands
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

would it be an idea if you would limit the ammount of servers per ip?
I think it would reduce traffic to your system.

So lets say we have to pay, would it be a one time payment to register a server to dedimania?
Or would it be a yearly activating fee?

Many games nowerdays have micro transactions etc so for me as a server owner it would be no problem to
pay a yearly registration to dedimania IF you would ask like 10 bucks for 1 server account login a year.
For example , this would get us the current dedimania features

I I mean you provide us with a service and that brings costs i know this and its fair to ask a price.
If its a small fee , i have spend more on "ranked"srervers in other games.

I totaly get your point and i think a  5 - 10 euro fee for a server login per year would be the "sweet spot"
It will keep the serious server onboard  and offload your costs a bit.
Please think about what you would want from us , i would be open to such a thing.

Grtz from Hardmapsracing


#15 2013-03-02 09:00:05

Registered: 2013-01-09
Posts: 59

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

xsam1 wrote:

but no problem. we do not pay for tm2 when we also have to pay for 30 dedi records on our server.....

we have to pay the root servers
we have to pay the game
and now we have to pay the 30 dedimania records... so ... bye

do ppl good things over many years and if you start to lower your costs they show you nothing than disrespect...

You have to keep in mind that dedimania isn't NADEO/UBISOFT. Who is paying his servers?? ... and Slig said he is thinking about what to do.

A little donation from all of us is not to much to ask for.


#16 2013-03-02 10:05:03

»???« xsam.hZ'
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Registered: 2013-02-19
Posts: 9

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

so first he delete my dediarecords because he dont like my loginname, and know i have to donate? haha seriÖs?
its okay, fuck of tm2. bye.


#17 2013-03-02 10:50:38

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

xsam1 wrote:

so first he delete my dediarecords because he dont like my loginname,

They weren't deleted; they weren't even stored in the first place because you misconfigured your server. Nothing to do with your login.

xsam1 wrote:

and know i have to donate?

Oh shocking indeed, something in the world isn't free. roll
And no, you don't have to donate, you just may get less out of Dedimania than those who do make a contribution, if and when Slig decides to make that change. But I'd support that decision wholeheartedly, if only because of comments like yours.

xsam1 wrote:

its okay, fuck of tm2. bye.

Good, free-loading kids like you give the TM community a bad name anyway. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. wink


#18 2013-03-02 13:35:39

L?'z. ????????.
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Registered: 2010-09-07
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

slig wrote:

the-big-gll. wrote:

]slig like you see there are a lot of big servers in the community so why you don't make it possible for intrested ppl to serve dedimania records also.
For example your server as master and 10-20 slaves that cache the db and driven records goes directly to your master so abuse is not possible and you have less load on your maschine. So hoster that want to support dedimania can do that with resources that they already have.

The idea of slaves is interesting, but the part to synchronize databases is not so simple. If i understand your idea, each slave would be a little like a proxy. But the datas are not only updated when there are new records, other infos are stored, so the write load on the master database would not really be reduced. And it would be a big work to do something really reliable.

Or else, handling a fragmented or distributed database is of course possible, but such thing need to rewrite all, and is far more complicated. I will surely not start such project.

It was just an idea and since im only a sysadmin and not a coder i can't do that my self. But maybe we can find some coders in the community with intrest keeping dedimania reliable and alive. Maybe undef is also intrested for such a system for tm-karma and would help a littlebit.

slig wrote:

Also, all solutions needs servers with guaranty that they will stay 100% up and available many monthes and years (dedimania exists for 6 years now). And, either the clients would need updates to include slaves addresses (so problems if a slave if off, or change), either the master would have to work as a load balancer and redirect requests to the slaves (in that case i'm not sure about the gain, and it multiplies the bandwidth x3).

that slaves don't have to be hardcoded in my opinion, the controller get that for example every 10 mins on that gives you the possibilty to remove a slave if it serve shit or is down for a longer time. The controller should be so smart to have a timeout after that it take a other node to get the data and wait 30 mins till the next request to the timed out node.
And i don't think you should serve a front end that work as a redirector becouse if you are down everything is down. I would prefer to choose the node per round robin so if you are down we can still serve the cached db till you are online again.

slig wrote:

I know nobody having a big server and propose a 100% up server with full access with guaranties that it will stay available many monthes and years (and of course with a reliable network connection, house hosting is not an option). It's not a 'hey, i share you a nice server 3 monthes' game....

i would support it for years that isn't that big problem.

slig wrote:

If someone is willing to rent such big server to share it, then why not just participate with donations instead ?

I really want to support dedimania but it don't make since to increase the record limit just for 1 server or player that have to be done for all, and i think with 10-20 server it won't be that big problem to have top 100 dedimania records.

Actually having a global 100 records on TMF would mean 40 000 000 records entries !
Here you were speaking about frontend slaves, which means that each one need to have the complete database (and synchronized). It can't be just splitted !  The database files are 3.4GB, it would be 10GB : it's not a 20s copy... and mysql replicas are what they are : most time they are stable, but sometimes not.   Eventually the replays can be just stored on the master, but that's all (currently it's only Canyon: 3.8GB for validation replays and 28GB for ghost replays)

you could also provide the max amount of records to the controller so you could increase or decrease the limit dynamically.

slig wrote:

the-big-gll. wrote:

I mean i have intel 2600k, 32gb ram and mysql on an ssd raid. I think this system can answer some request or not? And also you have lots of higher redundancy.

At home ? or ?...
Unused ? or ?...

at a datacenter

slig wrote:

If you want to pay and take the whole project, you are welcome !... but then you take the whole thing and assume it !... ie provide server, and the service, for years...  No way to stop 6 monthes later because you don't play TM any more.
I won't just keep the technical part without a real control of the server(s) handling (else it's not a hobby any more ; you pay the server and you pay me for the tech part)

I do not want to take the project, just support it with resources that i can donate couse they are unused. I thought using the slave just as a cdn and not more so you can controll the complete dedimania system.

slig wrote:

edit: I computed the server(s) rent cost from beginning (March 2007) : 5401€ . And donations total from beginning are about 1700€ (including unbans).

I payed since may 2009 3945,57€ to my hoster so it is also a expensive hobby for me.

I don't know if you want to change the dedimania system to that, but if you do i think it will make it easier for ppl who want to donate to dedimania but not with money to do that.


#19 2013-03-03 16:44:22

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

marcchello wrote:

So lets say we have to pay, would it be a one time payment to register a server to dedimania?
Or would it be a yearly activating fee?

Many games nowerdays have micro transactions etc so for me as a server owner it would be no problem to
pay a yearly registration to dedimania IF you would ask like 10 bucks for 1 server account login a year.
For example , this would get us the current dedimania features

I I mean you provide us with a service and that brings costs i know this and its fair to ask a price.
If its a small fee , i have spend more on "ranked"srervers in other games.

I totaly get your point and i think a  5 - 10 euro fee for a server login per year would be the "sweet spot"
It will keep the serious server onboard  and offload your costs a bit.

You can see it in the 2nd post of this thread : it's a one time payment. The smallest for a server is 2€, to get (permanent) top40.
It's essentially thought to thanks those making donations with some premium advantage.


#20 2013-03-03 19:39:32

[????] M????????0
New member
From: Netherlands
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

I agree with your point stig , i host servers i know the costs thanks for the clarification and that is a nice way to handle things.

I was only saying i wouldnt mind a yearly returning fee smile

Thanks for the clarification that its a one time payment you will see a donation as soon as you get the stadium scripts ready smile


#21 2013-03-04 11:55:14

F??'@???? ?
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Registered: 2010-02-23
Posts: 7

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Following this post no problem one time donation BTW But must say everything around tm2 is community based like xaseco2 etc and i know that there are cost's running server and having internet but remind that it is still for the fun of it around a game we all love tongue

Greetz Base

Ps why does Foxcontrol dedi's work and xaseco2 not error Unsupported game and/or packmask is there a work around ?

Last edited by masterbas (2013-03-05 20:58:56)


#22 2013-03-07 11:35:23

F??'@???? ?
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Registered: 2010-02-23
Posts: 7

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"


Made a donation for dedimania  records upgrade to 40 recs do i have to edit dedimania.xml to set max recs ??

Greetz Base tm2 login = endbase

Last edited by masterbas (2013-03-07 11:42:39)


#23 2013-03-07 17:10:25

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

masterbas wrote:

Ps why does Foxcontrol dedi's work

Hmm... i did not see that before. You mean few days ago ???  I hope that they did not make the stupidity to send Stadium2 records to TMF Dedimania !!!!!

Are you really sure ? Can you confirm that, and when it was working ?


#24 2013-03-07 17:27:08

F??'@???? ?
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Registered: 2010-02-23
Posts: 7

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

slig wrote:

masterbas wrote:

Ps why does Foxcontrol dedi's work

Hmm... i did not see that before. You mean few days ago ???  I hope that they did not make the stupidity to send Stadium2 records to TMF Dedimania !!!!!

Are you really sure ? Can you confirm that, and when it was working ?

Yeah it was 2 day's ago and was working with pasmask Cayon btw hope for you it did not send it to the wrong database tongue

Greetz Base


#25 2013-03-07 17:46:25

[????] M????????0
New member
From: Netherlands
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Set a donation €25 for
Server: HardMapsRacing
Player: marcchello

Both max tier , thanks in advance and good luck with the donations


#26 2013-03-07 18:50:26

ZZ°Top ?????.??
From: Italy
Registered: 2011-06-25
Posts: 83

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Well I read the discussion and good luck with the servers-side part ;D

Just one thing I dont get


and i am wondering what I will do about Stadium².
Probably (not sure yet), the free online mode (TimeAttack if Hylis don't change his mind) will have halfed maxrank (ie 15) for accounts not premium/upgraded on dedimania.

First of all I'm guessing this is not working in this way yet ..?
I mean I see everyone gets record outside of top15 in TA.
Then, would be a difference if the account itself is paid or free? From here I understand, I have to pay dedimania to get 15+ TA maxrank BUT not necessairly pay for the game at all? Am I right?

If it's like that to me it seems a bit weird (but OK I understand you need money to rent the servers^^)

tho I think some players will complain, because
- Some players play just TA all their Tm-life (exp. Veryshort/LOL players, "their" maps make little sense on Rnd mode)
- They pay the 8.99/9.99€ for the game
- ...aaand they will have the same maxrank as one player who never ever spent any money (aka free acc)
- ...aaand you will always find players who will just complain and dont donate 1 single € (hmm see some posts above maybe ..^^)

I would have already donated but my little age doesn't allow me to have an online bank account... yikes



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