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#1 2013-04-27 09:21:59

New member
Registered: 2013-03-31
Posts: 7

Hello all, question about dedimania ban

I got in to race tonight and when I connected to a different server my chat came up and said I'm banned from dedimania.

I'm curious why I'm banned as I don't know of any tracks that I've ever been fast enough on to be considered cheated and I use no scripts or hacks I just play the game for fun and to host challenges for everyone to try.

Thank you for your time answering, myself and everybody that visits my servers really enjoy the dedimania feature and the global challenge that it provides.

PS. Could this be from running multilap tracks in reverse from the normal way the track is set up to be? If that is the case I would certainly like to know as I didn't realize that the checkpoint times being different would be a problem. If this is the case I will certainly test all new tracks on a different server with no dedimania to see which way is fastest with my friends.

Last edited by tm2:ihbp (2013-04-27 10:29:39)


#2 2013-04-27 16:55:41

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Hello all, question about dedimania ban

I'm slowly building a process to automatically validate the replays that are stored for Dedimania replays, which ran yesterday for the first time.  Out of 116 validation replays by your login in the archive, 67 (57%) didn't pass, hence the ban.

Did you do 67 maps that way? I don't know whether racing a track in reverse has anything to do with it. It shouldn't, but I'll ask Nadeo for input. It may take a while to get a reply...


#3 2013-04-27 18:41:18

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Registered: 2013-03-31
Posts: 7

Re: Hello all, question about dedimania ban

I don't think there are that many of them like that, I know there are a lot of maps I have raced on that you have to do the wait for the fast boost to get the best times, but that's just a trick to learn it's not cheating, is there a way for me to see a list of the replays so that I could see what the problem could be? I'm very curious as I only hold very few record times and mostly the only ones that I have ever gotten #1 dedi record on are new tracks that I have just uploaded freshly and been the first to run.

I assure you and I have many people that can back me up that I don't cheat, I host servers in the game and always keep my eye out for cheats myself.

My acct hasn't been hacked but is there anything that could be wrong with my pc to be causing this? I know that I can only race a few hours before I start to get invalid times and have to reboot my pc to make it work right again.

Thank you for your time messing with this, I will have a donation sent your way as soon as work picks back up.


#4 2013-04-27 19:35:44

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Hello all, question about dedimania ban

xymph wrote:

I'm slowly building a process to automatically validate the replays that are stored for Dedimania replays, which ran yesterday for the first time.  Out of 116 validation replays by your login in the archive, 67 (57%) didn't pass, hence the ban.

Did you do 67 maps that way? I don't know whether racing a track in reverse has anything to do with it. It shouldn't, but I'll ask Nadeo for input. It may take a while to get a reply...

I checked further into it, and many of the invalid replays are of multilap tracks, driven the normal way. The same applies for the other login banned yesterday.  That suggests the validation of multilap track replays is simply broken.

I've lifted both bans and will pester Nadeo some more to get to the bottom of this. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.


#5 2013-04-27 21:11:19

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Registered: 2013-03-31
Posts: 7

Re: Hello all, question about dedimania ban

I may know how it could be, I validate my tracks on 1 lap so as to not have an extended amount of time when they are played on the server.

it could be that the 1 lap cp times are so slow and the 2nd lap cp time is so many seconds lower?

if this is the case and can't be resolved through nadeo, I can revalidate all my tracks at 3 laps and just change my autotime settings if necessary.

I'm not sure who all was running with me the other night but I know idiot420, theshadow1995 and hellchylde are regulars on my servers and maps and they might have the same issues as me since they are always beating me...

Thanks for the assistance and lifting the bans very much, most of the ppl that play on my servers are usually on one at a time and the dedi records are what they are racing against so I'd like to keep that all up and working correctly so people aren't getting banned that shouldn't be.

(I also just went in and looked and my server that has these maps now has 68 of them so maybe 1 of them isn't validated at single lap or something but most of them are)

if this is the issue let me know and I'll get all these single lap valids deleted from MX and revalidate them, would it be best to do them at 3 laps or would 2 laps work is another question if so

Last edited by tm2:ihbp (2013-04-27 21:33:33)


#6 2013-04-27 22:10:18

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Hello all, question about dedimania ban

tm2:ihbp wrote:

I'm not sure who all was running with me the other night but I know idiot420, theshadow1995 and hellchylde are regulars on my servers and maps and they might have the same issues as me since they are always beating me...

Yes, theshadow1995 was the other login.

tm2:ihbp wrote:

if this is the issue let me know and I'll get all these single lap valids deleted from MX and revalidate them, would it be best to do them at 3 laps or would 2 laps work is another question if so

Don't know, may take a while before I do.


#7 2013-04-27 22:22:05

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Registered: 2013-03-31
Posts: 7

Re: Hello all, question about dedimania ban

I took that server down for now as I don't have time to edit the maps just this minute, I will go ahead and change these as soon as I have a chance and then get back to you when they're updated to see if it resolves the issue, if that's alright anyway, might be faster than waiting on nadeo and if it's just tracks on my servers I would imagine that's probably the issue.

on a lot of those maps the first checkpoint time on the 2nd lap is just ridiculously lower than first lap so I can see why it would think a cheat was involved say if the first cp is at 10sec in the validation and it starts gettin first cp times of 4 sec instead...

Sorry that we didn't think about that when we validated the tracks, our main intent with the single lap validations was to manipulate the autotime plugin to give less time to the multilaps that weren't very long.  I will just adjust the multiplier down in the autotime plugin with the longer validations.


#8 2013-04-27 23:33:44

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Hello all, question about dedimania ban

I don't think you should put time and effort into that, not until Nadeo clears things up.
It's not certain that your 1-lap validation is the source of the problem, nor that re-validating will fix it. And if it is, then there are still tens of thousands of replays by other players from other servers in the Dedimania archive with the same problem, so I still wouldn't be able to batch-validate them.

If a track was validated and saved from Nadeo's editor, then any replay driven on it without cheating should be marked as valid by the validation process in Nadeo's client. Otherwise, the client validation is broken IMHO, not the track or replay.


#9 2013-04-27 23:59:09

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Registered: 2013-03-31
Posts: 7

Re: Hello all, question about dedimania ban

okay sounds good to me, do you think I can just leave that server up?

It is peoples favorite of mine and those maps are mostly why, but I don't want people to get banned and you have to mess with a whole bunch of stuff straightening it up.

I know it's a lot of work you do to keep all this going and I don't want to make more for you by any means.

Thanks for all your help man, without dedi and x2 this game wouldn't be near as addictive as it is now:)


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