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#27 2013-03-07 19:54:23

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

enryx13 wrote:

First of all I'm guessing this is not working in this way yet ..?
I mean I see everyone gets record outside of top15 in TA.

It is (supposed to be) working, just check it (look the MaxRank column): … ow=RECORDS

You will also see many records above : … ow=RECORDS
... but these ones were drove on a upgraded/premium server, or by an upgraded/premium player, so of course they can be above top15 ! wink

Then, would be a difference if the account itself is paid or free? From here I understand, I have to pay dedimania to get 15+ TA maxrank BUT not necessairly pay for the game at all? Am I right?
If it's like that to me it seems a bit weird (but OK I understand you need money to rent the servers^^)

I don't think that actually i can differentiate paid and free Stadium² accounts. Perhaps that once the game will be released i will ask to Nadeo if there is a way, then eventually set a default maxrank 30 for paid accounts.
Anyway, paid or free accounts change nothing to me: i get nothing from Nadeo in any case.

tho I think some players will complain, because
- Some players play just TA all their Tm-life (exp. Veryshort/LOL players, "their" maps make little sense on Rnd mode)

As I said on some other forum, i just don't understand Nadeo's strategy here. TA mode iust the most played and the only one which is never used in competitions. Globally this means that casual players (90%?) will continue to play for free, and more serious ones (who have often already bought some other TM game) will have to pay.
I think that TA not free (and instead Rounds/ and/or Team and/or Cup free) and with a smaller price (maybe 4 or 5€?) would have been better for the TM community, for competitions (online and lans), and would have made more money...

Just hoping that they will change their strategy about it, there is still some time before the release  wink
At worse it makes a problem with those who already bought Stadium² if the price is reduced... maybe a 50% discount on Valley for them ? :p

- They pay the 8.99/9.99€ for the game
- ...aaand they will have the same maxrank as one player who never ever spent any money (aka free acc)
- ...aaand you will always find players who will just complain and dont donate 1 single € (hmm see some posts above maybe ..^^)

Yes, as always...  but hopefully not all of them smile


#28 2013-03-07 23:00:34

L?'z. ????????.
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Registered: 2010-09-07
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Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

i don't understand what the advantage is if i donate, it don't make since for me to have fast top15 and 16-x are lots of slower. 16-x would be the same like lokal records because there is nobody who donate to get more than 15 records. I would prefer a donation countdown so for example if we reach 1000€ of donation, everybody get the limit increased to 30 again or a system like that i already did post here.
But maybe we are all lucky and nadeo do some donation
That is my point of view


#29 2013-03-12 13:49:35

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Registered: 2010-02-26
Posts: 2

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Hey Slig,

nice work - TM2-Dedis run fine. Many of our customers ( want to upgrade their server-account, but a lot of them do not understand your payment system (I always give them the link to this forum topic). Is there any info-page that I can give to them, or could you create one? Just a suggestion.

Keep up the good work,



#30 2013-03-12 19:02:13

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

You're right, a 2nd post in a unstick topic on the forum is not the better thing...

I have added the premium infos on the donation page: , probably not perfect but it is a little better, and easier to find wink


#31 2013-03-12 19:31:46

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Registered: 2010-02-26
Posts: 2

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

ok great, thank you


#32 2013-03-13 06:48:47

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Registered: 2007-01-12
Posts: 1

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Sent a donation for €15
Server: gymnet
Player: fleckman

Please upgrade these two to "premium" (max level).

Thank you for offering this great service - been using Dedimania for ages and should have donated way sooner...


#33 2013-03-13 11:17:40

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Got it, thanks Fleckman ! smile


#34 2013-03-23 08:23:51

Registered: 2011-03-28
Posts: 15

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

hi slig,

thanks for the great work the past years. without dedi, tm would be not half as good as now.

so its a good idea to request donations to keep that all running. we donated 12

please upgrade :
sever:froglol to premium (top80)    player:guenni71 to top 60

thank you, regards, guenni and glasi

Last edited by glasi66 (2013-03-23 08:32:39)


#35 2013-03-29 20:41:16

«???» ??????
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Registered: 2013-03-29
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Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"


I made a donation in order to increase the number of records to 40.
Serverlogin : tnbstadium

Thanks !


#36 2013-03-31 03:58:51

R&H ?nd?ea¢hia
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Registered: 2013-03-31
Posts: 3

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Slig Hello, first of all thank you for the work you do every day I just donated 24 Euro so please update the following server and player:

server: rehtest premium account top 80
server: rehserver premium account top 80
player: player andreachia premium top 100

Thanks for all greetings



#37 2013-05-02 12:49:51

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Registered: 2013-05-02
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

hello slig how can i contact you
i can not send you a pm or email. in the other forum i can not register me for send you a pm sad
i have make a donation 10€ for the server
server: trixi01
i can't write in paypal for what the 10€ is
please send me your email to my email that i can send you the Transaktionscode from paypal
greet's highdelbeere


#38 2013-05-02 15:15:52

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

I got the mail from donation and replied to it. It's done. Thanks.  smile


#39 2013-05-02 15:35:11

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Registered: 2013-05-02
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

wow, nice, ok, ty too wink


#40 2013-05-03 10:05:10

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Registered: 2013-05-02
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

hello slig
i have make a donation 10€ for the server
server: trixi02

greet's highdelbeere


#41 2013-05-03 10:12:21

R&H ?nd?ea¢hia
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Registered: 2013-03-31
Posts: 3

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Slig Hello, first of all thank you for the work you do every day I just donated 10 Euro so please update the following server:

server: rehround premium account top 80

Thanks for all



#42 2013-05-03 13:36:24

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Registered: 2013-05-02
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

hello slig
i have read dedi's 100 on some serer is this a joke or give it dedi 100 ?
when yes, how much must i pay for dedi 100 for a server ?
i have payed for dedi 80 for the server
can i updated to dedi 100 ?


#43 2013-05-03 13:49:57

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

No, 80 max for servers (but you are right, 2 servers were erroneously at 100: fixed now).


#44 2013-05-03 15:09:23

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Registered: 2013-05-02
Posts: 5

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

ty for the info wink


#45 2013-06-18 23:07:23

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Registered: 2013-06-18
Posts: 2

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

hello slig
What i see in comments is about TA mode which is 15? what is max dedimania you can have in rounds mode 30? so if do donations for servers rounds mode and ta mode are increased or only TA mode ? i have a few servers i want to do but confused as only mention TA mode. If i do donations for a server for 80 dedi thats on all rounds, ta or just ta mode?


#46 2013-06-19 10:46:01

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

The max 15 limitation is specific to TA on Stadium², and for non upgraded accounts only.

A dedimania upgrade for a server (or game) acount will be effective for all supported modes and environments.
Ie a 80 upgrade on a server account will be effective for TA and Rounds, Stadium and Canyon (well if you restart the server using another environment/title)


#47 2013-06-19 12:45:17

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Registered: 2013-06-18
Posts: 2

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

hi slig
i sent you donations of 54 euro for 5 servers and player upgrade


#48 2013-07-02 22:37:52

R|R Х??????
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Registered: 2009-05-18
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Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Hi, Can I just ask a quick question to help me understand. Probably a stupid question but I have a 60 slot server so do I need to make a donation for top 60 to make the dedi records panel show up again? thanks


#49 2013-07-03 23:42:11

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Dedimania records and premium/upgrades has nothing to do with the number of slots or the ladder rank of your server. 

By default, for free, on your server all players are able to make records up to rank 30 (except on stadium² in TA: rank 15 ; was because stadium² is supposed to be free in that mode once the beta finished).

You can make a donation to upgrade you server as dedimania premium, and then have players on it able to drive records up to rank 40, 60 or 80 (on dedimania).

Also, a player can upgrade his player account as dedimania premium, and then be able to drive records up to rank 40, 60, 80 or 100 (on dedimania) whatever server he plays on.


#50 2013-07-10 11:18:20

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Registered: 2013-07-09
Posts: 1

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"

Donated another 20€ - please upgrade "gymnet2" und "gymnet3" to max as well :-)
And if you have the time: could you check if my player-account (fleckman) is really set to premium (which I think it should be after the last donation) as I don't seem to be able to set recs outside my own server (and will never enter the dedi Top 30 anywhere^^).

Thank you for providing us with dedimania!


#51 2013-07-10 15:09:48

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"



#52 2013-07-16 13:06:50

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: How do i "upgrade my dedimania account"


I won't have internet access (with needed accesses) every day next 3/4 weeks, so if you ask an premium upgrade don't be too surprised if it take up to 3 days to be done (i receive a notice for donations on my phone, so i will see it and try to do it asap anyway).


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