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#1 2017-04-08 19:36:48

TinaCT | ?urzel
New member
Registered: 2017-04-08
Posts: 7

How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

xymph wrote:

Don't post in an unrelated topic.

flauschix wrote:

I just noticed that many of me records are deleted oO

First i did not give it a second thought (only a bit annoyed), but then admins of some servers expressed their mistrust (even i am not DediBanned and can drive new Dedi Records on all tracks)
It would be a pity if I would be banned by Adm / OPs because my locals do not show up in the Dedis

And ... Why ???

Standard procedure with a warning for cheating.
In this case on VCqBS0Jjeik8B1I2Jj9ROxew_Rf (track name Shadow Zone, not on TMX), with impossible sectors 1 and 2.

Sry for the Unrelated Topic thingy... I am not used to write in a Forum hmm

So I have 3 questions:

1. Where to insert this "VCqBS0Jjeik8B1I2Jj9ROxew_Rf" to know what is going on in the first place?
2. How can I show that I am innocent?
3: Can you undo the deleting after i did [2.] ?


#2 2017-04-08 21:17:49

TinaCT | ?urzel
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Registered: 2017-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

I see... I wasn't even reported...

xymph wrote:

yoy0 wrote:


Banned and all deleted, thanks. Some collateral damage cleaned up too.

"Shadow Zone" is on the "GRT Sweet sexy" server where yoy0 (nice guy btw) pointed to for reporting "Leichenfaust"

Drove the track got Dedi 1 on 3rd try (with a better 1cp than the one i got a warning for). Its not even hard!
(found the old replay too)

I appreciate the effort of searching for nother Hax0rZ on the server... was one of me favorite unintentional-cut-server
back in the days...

But    what    the    Hack ?!

ALL me 1st Dedis got deleted ???  Like ... from all time?   You can't be srs?!!!


#3 2017-04-08 22:49:08

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

flauschix wrote:

1. Where to insert this "VCqBS0Jjeik8B1I2Jj9ROxew_Rf" to know what is going on in the first place? - which I forgot to include in my previous post.

flauschix wrote:

2. How can I show that I am innocent?

Provide a replay that proves the sector pattern is feasible. Either give a download link or mail it.

flauschix wrote:

3: Can you undo the deleting after i did [2.] ?

Maybe, but not today anymore.

flauschix wrote:

Drove the track got Dedi 1 on 3rd try (with a better 1cp than the one i got a warning for). Its not even hard!
(found the old replay too)

Then please provide both.

flauschix wrote:

ALL me 1st Dedis got deleted ???  Like ... from all time?   You can't be srs?

Very serious, dealing with cheaters is no joke. The more entries are cheated, the more recs are deleted, standard practice.


#4 2017-04-09 00:56:18

TinaCT | ?urzel
New member
Registered: 2017-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

Done Yesturday!

I've discussed the situation with some players.
And they all wondered how hasty the records were deleted in opposite to the habit of the Admins on this site.
Wirtual told me about an Incident where he even made a video about a cheater and it was "no sufficient Evidence" ... so he kinda got away with it...   and than this?
(Discribed as "Collateral damage"?  ... "No Joke" right?  But the wording is not me point here! It just feels odd)

Would be nice if I can be provided with like a list of records that were deleted, cause i think i saw deleted records (more like ... did not saw) were i wasn't 1st?! But that could be false memorie on me part and i have to look into it.

Will equal records show up in the order they were before that... incident? Or will they be inserted behind their counterparts?


#5 2017-04-09 12:44:07

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

flauschix wrote:

Done Yesturday!

Thanks for the replays. Recs restored per 2017-03-07, except when you already drove a newer one on the same track. Sorry for the inconvenience.

For future reference, you and other players driving an unusual entry should upload the replay to TMX the same day to help avoid this kind of situation. Or if the track isn't on TMX, upload it here.


#6 2017-04-09 13:11:35

TinaCT | ?urzel
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Registered: 2017-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

TMX-Guidelines wrote:

The following rules must be observed :

1. Shortcuts are permitted (it is otherwise too difficult to police this).
2. Replays must be made with the latest official expansion.
3. The replay you are submitting must exactly match the track you are submitting it against.
4. Only solo replays should be submitted, we cannot accept replays from multiplayer games.
5. Problems validating autosaves means these are not permited either. This is a problem with game unfortunately.

... Dude ...


#7 2017-04-09 17:10:13

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

flauschix wrote:

4. Only solo replays should be submitted, we cannot accept replays from multiplayer games.

So? Make a SP replay with the same trick. You already boasted it was easy. roll


#8 2017-04-09 18:39:54

TinaCT | ?urzel
New member
Registered: 2017-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

You saw it yourself. It's no witchcraft!... boasted... roll
You are missing the point here, but that could be me, not making it clear enough!

I meant this in General! Cause me case is already solved, right? (Also I have been left unclear why this thing escalated so quickly unlike other reported suspects oO)

Dedimania Records are driven online ?!
But the TMX guidelines are strictly against this.
So you officially recommending braking TMX-Rules...

Not just in me case, but in all of them it seems:

[...]For future reference, you and other players driving an unusual entry should upload the replay to TMX[...]

But maybe it is me who is missing something?
I don't know if you can drive Dedimania records offline?

So me question is:
In order to not get deleted you recommend uploading replays to TMX for validation of Dedimania records?
Why is that a thing at all?
The 2nd uploud option seems fine, but is not used frequently it looks like (last entry 2014)


#9 2017-04-09 19:46:35

Registered: 2010-05-09
Posts: 82

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

I think that rule is a bit misworded.
As far as I remember you have to upload a replay with ONLY your trace in it and NOT a replay manually saved with all players from the server. (cause that would cause more work for the admin watching it smile)


#10 2017-04-09 20:03:24

TinaCT | ?urzel
New member
Registered: 2017-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: How can i exonerate meself after a false accusation?

So why is the thread where the uploaded replays are listed named "Offline World Record" ?

Seems more like they double down on the Offline part!


TMX Guidelines wrote:

Our world record system is run with hope that our users will participate in a fair and honest way.

Last edited by flauschix (2017-04-09 20:06:59)


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