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#1 2017-07-30 20:33:36

New member
Registered: 2016-12-28
Posts: 2

Script to test if play has been banned


I have a small server on tm 1 that is over 10 years old and still very active for its size. About 2 years ago, I lost all the data and I rebooted the server again from scratch. The people who play on my server, it helps a lot in the administration, informing which players use cheats. They usually send print of what happened and when I have time delete the records. All the cases in those years were with players with cheats that the Dedimania already knew. Today, the server has more than 3,000 tracks and almost 19,000 registered players in the database, it is almost impossible to check if there are records of cheat players that the staff did not report.

I want to write a routine where I testo if the registered player was banned from Dedimania, but I do not know if this is allowed. The routine is not heavy and should be fast, even with almost 19,000 records.

I would very much like to know if it is allowed to do this, if I can use the same server account or if it has to be another account and any other information that helps.

Thank you very much in advance

(Translated by google translate)

-- original in Portuquese

Eu tenho um pequeno server na tm 1 que tem mais de 10 anos e ainda esta bastante ativo para seu tamanho. Ha uns 2 anos, perdi todos os dados e reinciei o server novamente do zero. O pessoal que joga no meu server, ajuda muito na administração, informando quais jogadores usam cheates. Eles costumam mandar print do ocorrido e quando tenho tempo deleto os recordes. Todos os casos nesses anos foram com jogadores com cheates que o Dedimania ja conhecem. Hoje, o server tem mais de 3.000 pistas e quase 19.000  jogadores cadastrados no banco de dados, fica quase impossivel verificar se há recordes de jogadores com cheat que o pessoal não informou.

Eu quero  escrever um rotina onde testo se o jogador cadastrado foi banido do Dedimania, mas não sei se isso é permitido. A rotina nao é pesada e deve ser rapida, mesmo com quase 19.000 registros.

Eu gostaria muito de saber se é permitido fazer isso, se posso usar a mesma conta do server ou se tem que ser outra conta e qualquer outra informação que ajude.

Desde ja, agradeço


#2 2017-07-31 08:54:19

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: Script to test if play has been banned

marcio_faria wrote:

I want to write a routine where I testo if the registered player was banned from Dedimania, but I do not know if this is allowed. The routine is not heavy and should be fast, even with almost 19,000 records.

I would very much like to know if it is allowed to do this, if I can use the same server account or if it has to be another account and any other information that helps.

You don't need a server account, or a check against Dedimania itself. Simply checking whether a login occurs in the  Dedimania global blacklist should be enough.


#3 2017-07-31 17:28:19

New member
Registered: 2016-12-28
Posts: 2

Re: Script to test if play has been banned


Thanks for the information, I already looked for this list but I never found it, because my bad English gets in the way a bit.

Some may think that TM servers are keeping TM alive until today. But this is not true. So I would like to thank DEDIMANIA, whom I affectionately call DEDE, because of the work you do and it's because of him and the records managers, that's what keeps the TM brightness going.

My sincere thanks!

-- original in Portugueses --


Obrigado pela informação, já procurei por essa lista mas nunca encontrei, pois meu ingles ruim atrapalha um pouco.

Alguns podem pensar que são os servidores da TM que mantem a TM viva ate hoje. Mas isso nao eh verdade. Por isso gostaria muito de agradecer ao DEDIMANIA, a quem chamo carinhosamente de DEDE, pelo trabalho que vcs fazem e eh por causa dele e dos gerenciadores de recordes, é o que mantem acesa o brilho da TM.

Meus sinceros agradecimentos!


#4 2017-07-31 17:34:51

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: Script to test if play has been banned

You're welcome, and I called it Dedi. smile


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