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#1 2018-11-15 14:29:43

LAY' Taraaf
New member
Registered: 2018-11-15
Posts: 3

Debug : dedimania player removed

Hello, i have have a problem with the dedimania records on my server, for most of the maps it s fine but for one long map and all ESL competition maps, dedimania are recorded during the map, but after a map change or a restart the records are removed ( only on dedimania not on local record ).

i'm using maniacontrol and i screenshot some log files when the debug appear . Any suggestion ?

[15-Nov-2018 13:35:48 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Dedimania Playerlist Updated
[15-Nov-2018 13:37:15 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Dedimania Submitting Map Times at End-Map Start
[15-Nov-2018 13:37:15 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Dedimania Times succesfully submitted
[15-Nov-2018 13:37:16 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Try to fetch Dedimania Records
[15-Nov-2018 13:37:16 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] 0 Dedimania Records Fetched succesfully!
[15-Nov-2018 13:38:00 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Dedimania Playerlist Updated
[15-Nov-2018 13:40:16 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Dedimania Playerlist Updated
[15-Nov-2018 13:49:42 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Player left: paulofonceur / LAY.PauloFonceurW.U'MDG Playtime: 00:22:59
[15-Nov-2018 13:49:42 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Debug: Dedimania Player removed
[15-Nov-2018 13:52:50 Europe/Berlin] [INFO] Dedimania Submitting Map Times at End-Map Start


#2 2018-11-27 10:59:30

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 880

Re: Debug : dedimania player removed

Without knowing the game (TM2 or TMF ?) and the map uid, it's hard to reply... Btw, its not the longuest times, so the reason is elsewhere :
TMF longuest record :  02:19:46.250s
Stadium2 longuest record :  02:19:42.515s
(i guess that the limit is on the max replay size on dedicated server side)

Maybe some problem in checkpoints or in the replays.  The dedimania reply would be helpful, it's not in the server's log ??


#3 2018-12-03 17:38:22

LAY' Taraaf
New member
Registered: 2018-11-15
Posts: 3

Re: Debug : dedimania player removed

Hello, it's on TM2 stadium, using the tittle esl-competition.

yeah i guess the problem is the checkpoints or the validation replays ( i use many special checkpoints or objects in my new maps ), but in some others servers they played my maps and dedimania are recorded ( in maniaxchange or when i play the map on my server i can see the dedimania of others servers )

some exemple the map " des airs de dirt " have 8 dedimania recorded on other server and mania xchange

The dedimania reply is the same at my first message, only saying debug : dedimania player removed, not an error just an info text.

also my server is on


#4 2019-01-05 14:43:42

LAY' Taraaf
New member
Registered: 2018-11-15
Posts: 3

Re: Debug : dedimania player removed

Ok, it's a problem from Mania control, i changed controller ( Pyplanet ) and the dedimania works perfectly smile


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