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#1 2008-04-21 20:39:25
[EN] Fast3.2: Chat commands
The main reference is THERE (and in the fast_commands_en.txt included with Fast)
Fast chat commands for players (use /help, or generally the command without a value to get some help) :
/info --> info about config on current and next challenge (game mode and related infos)
/play [pass] --> go player
/spec --> go spectator
/red --> go red player (team)
/blue --> go blue player (team)
/cp [best|ideal|num] --> select the top record reference for time gaps
/maps [num] --> list next maps
/plist --> list players (or: /pl )
/ml --> enable/disable manialinks drawing
/pay [coppers] --> send coppers to server
/vote [num] --> note the map (0 a 10)
/r --> list records on current map (or: /rec , /record)
/msg [login|id] message --> send message to specified target
/lang [lang] --> choose the language for chat and graphics (only 'en' and 'fr' actually), automatic on tmf.
/quit --> exit server (kick)
/time --> show server time
Fast chat commands for admins (use /help, /adm, or generally the command without a value to get some help) :
/map matchsetting_file_name --> load a matchsettings
/rpoints [std,motogp,etc.] --> specify points to win in Rounds and Cup mode
/scorepanel [global|round|all] [on|off] --> enable/disable the global scorepanel between rounds, and delay the end round panel instead of when the 1st reach the finish.
/custom tm_cmd arg,... --> send the specified command to server (see dedicated methods)
/debug [var] --> debug use...
/adm endround --> force next round (or: end )
/adm restart [warmup|wu|reset] --> restart current challenge
/adm next [warmup|wu|reset] --> force next challenge
/adm next [envir|num|name] --> force a next challenge in list ("3" to go to the 3rd one, or "rally" for next rally map, or a part of the track name)
/adm setnext [envir|num|name] --> same but will not end the map immediatly
/adm prev [warmup|wu|reset] --> force previous challenge
/adm prev [envir|num|name] --> force previous challenge in list ("3" to go to the 3rd previous one, or "rally" for previous rally map, or a part of the track name)
/adm setprev [envir|num|name] --> same but will not end the map immediatly
/adm map [id] --> list maps with id, move id map as next map to play
/adm setmap [id] --> same but will not end the map immediatly
/adm shuffle [num] --> shuffle maps, alterning envirs (0=altern all 7 as available, 1=altern depending how many map of each envir are in list)
/adm mode [mode_name|num] --> force game mode, "0"=rounds, "1"=time attack, "2"=team, "3"=laps, "4"=stunt, "5"=cup
/adm name "xxx" --> set server name (or: srvname )
/adm comment "xxx" --> set server comment
/adm srvpass "***" --> password for player (/adm srvpass none --> remove pass)
/adm spectpass "***" --> password for spec (/adm spectpass none --> remove pass)
/adm pass "***" --> password pour player et spec (/adm pass none --> remove pass)
/adm maxplayers [num] --> max players
/adm maxspec [num] --> max specs
/adm ftimeout [num] --> time to finish after first, tmu default=1=adapation (or: ftimeout, fto )
/adm chattime [var] --> chat time during podium (or: ctime )
/adm opponents [0|1|num] --> force opponents visibles, 0=normal,1=force all,num=force num minimum (or: opp, showopponents )
/adm ladder [0|1] --> disable/enable ladder
/adm voteratio [num] --> ratio level for votes
/adm votetimeout [num] --> to 0 to disable votes, set <0 to enable auto when admin here
/adm play [login] --> put the player in spectator state
/adm spec [login] --> put the player in play state
/adm specforce [login] --> force a player in spec state
/adm free --> unforce the play/spec state
/adm autorestart --> auto restart at end of challenge
/adm noautorestart --> no auto restart at end of challenge
/adm autonewrestart [on|check|finish|round|off] --> auto restart for new challenges (at start, 1st checkpoint, 1st finish, or end of 1st round)
/adm noautonewrestart --> no auto restart for new challenges
/adm kick [login] --> kick a player from server
/adm ban [login] --> ban a player (until server is stopped)
/adm unban [login|cleanlist] --> unban a player / clean ban list
/adm black [login] --> ban a player (permanent)
/adm unblack [login|cleanlist] --> unban a player / clean permanent ban list
/adm ignore [login] --> lock player chat (unable to write)
/adm ignore [login|cleanlist] --> unignore a player / clean ignore list
/adm guest [login] --> add a player in guest list (who can enter on server when full)
/adm replay [on|off|save] --> auto save server replays / save=just save current replay
/falsestart map # --> set max number of falsestart per player on each map
/falsestart match #|init --> set max number of restart by player by match (or permanent), init to reset counters
/falsestart timeout # --> max netlost timeout accepted to do a restart within th few first round seconds
/falsestart giveup #|first|all --> number of accepted early 'del' in a round, accept 'del' in all or first round only
/admin list --> list server admins
/admin add on_login|id --> add a server admin (currently connected)
/admin addlogin [login] --> add a server admin (non connected)
/admin remove [login] --> remove an admin
/rounds pointslimit [number] --> points to win challenge
/rounds newrules [0/1] --> alternate rules (habitually 0)
/rounds warmupduration [num] --> >0 to set number of warmup rounds (or: wduration, wud, wu )
/rounds finishtimeout [num] --> time to finish after first, tmu default=1=adapation (or: ftimeout, fto )
/rounds custom [std|motogp|xx,xx,..] --> custom won points. std, motogp, motogp5, champcar (or: cust, rpoints )
/rounds fixed [num] --> fixed number of rounds instead of points limit
/rounds score login=# | back [#] --> modify players scores, or back to previous round score
/ta timelimit [num ms] --> time limit for challenge (or: time, limit )
/ta sync [num ms] --> sync starts every ... ms
/ta warmupduration [num] --> >0 to set time of warmup (or: wduration, wud, wu )
/laps nblaps [num] --> number of laps to finish race (or: nb, laps )
/laps timelimit [num ms] --> time limit for race, 0 for no limit and laps based only (or: time, limit )
/laps warmupduration [num] --> >0 to set time of warmup (or: wduration, wud, wu )
/laps finishtimeout [num] --> time to finish after first, tmu default=1=adapation (or: ftimeout, fto )
/team pointslimit [number] --> points to win challenge (7 for ET compets) (or: limit )
/team maxpoint [number] --> number of players taken into account (7 for ET compets) (or: max )
/team newrules [0/1] --> alternate rules, habitually 1 (1 for ET compets)
/team warmupduration [num] --> >0 to set number of warmup rounds (or: wduration, wud, wu )
/team finishtimeout [num] --> time to finish after first, tmu default=1=adapation (or: ftimeout, fto )
/team blue [login] --> put player in blue team
/team red [login] --> put player in red team
/team score blue=# | red=# | back [#] --> modify team scores, or back to previous round score
/cup pointslimit [number] --> points to be finalist (or: limit )
/cup roundspermap --> number of rounds by map (or: rounds, rpm, rpc )
/cup nbwinners --> number of winners to finish (or: nbwin, nbw, nb )
/cup warmupduration [num] --> >0 to set number of warmup rounds on each map (or: wduration, wud, wu )
/cup finishtimeout [num] --> time to finish after first, tmu default=1=adapation (or: ftimeout, fto )
/cup custom [std|motogp|xx,xx,..] --> custom won points. std, motogp, motogp5, champcar (or: cust, rpoints )
/cup score login=# | back [#] --> modify players scores, or back to previous round score
/ktlc prep --> prepare KTLC mode
/ktlc on --> start KTLC mode
/ktlc off --> stop KTLC mode
/ktlc wnext --> force next challenge and put all as player
/ktlc next --> force next ktlc challenge
/ktlc specforce [login] --> force a player as spec
/ktlc spec [login] --> put a player in spec state
/ktlc play [login] --> put a player in play state
/ktlc free [login] --> unforce the spec/play state