Dedimania forum

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#1 2023-05-16 09:02:10

New member
Registered: 2023-05-15
Posts: 2

Some of my dedis have been removed?

Hey there!
I noticed that some of my dedimania records, that i recently claimed are missing. I don't know if it's related or not but some of my in-game friends thought it would be funny to copy my in-game nickname and play with that on some servers for about an hour or so. I even joined them too to have some lolz. I cannot think of another reason of why this happened, as i play TMNF from release and i've never seen such a bug.

Map UIDs that i noticed the incident:
1)  zysLjYYJ5j28OGGSDTVES1Mrfl9
2) afeC6hroig2QT_S92UR9L1PeR49
3) mKjG5ZlAD6Mqt3iPK5IRHzyboml
4) E1jdG3zXLB1bF3WXcoZQRInGf29

I raced the maps online again and i reclaimed a spot in the dedimania records, because it was free to claim after the removal. I hope it doesn't complicate the situation. I really hope this is a localized incident and i am not ''flagged'' if that's a thing.

ps: A friend that was checking this situation mentioned to me that from 30April to 9May i have no dedi (kinda unusual cuz i play everyday on our team server and we add new maps and such)

Thanks in advance.


#2 2023-05-16 11:41:05

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2008

Re: Some of my dedis have been removed?

zulu wrote:

I noticed that some of my dedimania records, that i recently claimed are missing. I don't know if it's related or not but some of my in-game friends thought it would be funny to copy my in-game nickname and play with that on some servers for about an hour or so. I even joined them too to have some lolz.

Stupid idea, records by three+ identical nicks are considered attempts to monopolize the records listing, and may be pruned automatically.

zulu wrote:

I really hope this is a localized incident and i am not ''flagged'' if that's a thing.

Nope. Just don't do it again.


#3 2023-05-16 11:57:09

New member
Registered: 2011-12-01
Posts: 2

Re: Some of my dedis have been removed?

Stupid idea aside (i was part of it and i won't do this again) it seems like it is quite exploitable to the point that the original player - nickname gets it's dedimania records removed just because a bunch of strangers decided to do what we did, without him even realizing it. IP address seems to be another unique identifier to filter out the monopolization issue you described.

In the mean time i see that my total number of dedimania records are declining day by day as i see in:
Yesterday they were 4805, now 4769.

I don't know if the removal process is over or not but i think that you need to look at it manually. After over 24h my records are still being removed. I will give you the logins of the players that took part of this stupid ''prank'':

1) grepedon
2) zulu
3) laxanaki
4) newdamianaccount

Please take a look at this immediately!
Thank you !

Last edited by grepedon (2023-05-16 12:15:29)


#4 2023-05-16 19:18:29

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2008

Re: Some of my dedis have been removed?

There are no grounds to make me do anything "immediately", TM/Dedimania isn't that important. roll

Yesterday the script pruned 118 records, but it always preserves the best record of the identical nicks on each track. So assuming a random distribution between participating pranksters who hold the best entry, each participant (hopefully) learned their lesson via a roughly similar number of lost records. Consider it a fresh challenge to regain some of them...


#5 2023-05-18 19:43:53

New member
Registered: 2023-05-15
Posts: 2

Re: Some of my dedis have been removed?

why the script still removing dedis btw? is it gonna stop when we lose everything?tongue
I am checking and i see missing a few everyday on the server we play


#6 2023-05-18 21:05:42

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2008

Re: Some of my dedis have been removed?

zulu wrote:

why the script still removing dedis btw?

It isn't.

zulu wrote:

I am checking and i see missing a few everyday on the server we play

I haven't deleted anything since May 15.


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