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#131 2009-09-07 21:38:45

??Ð?Ç??? ??? ?
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Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 7

Re: Wrong records


Login: kacka111
Nickname: 〶〇〤|| Сђ๏сσΙαтε
Time: 2009-08-25-20-51-20
Track-Guid: YxJKQwgf5jiTzXNGFehP4dhefik
Trackname: Very Short 03
Track-Author: praha
Cheat: Quickstart (Replay does not start at the beginning of the track)



#132 2009-09-07 23:40:35

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

【ᅏÐωÇᅑ】傘 ᄽᆢᄿ 傘 wrote:


Login: kacka111

Dealt with:



#133 2009-09-08 14:36:03

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

【ᅏÐωÇᅑ】傘 ᄽᆢᄿ 傘 wrote:

a while ago I reported a cheater "michaelandmartina". A few records were deleted.

michaelundmartina, and this United login was also banned at the time.

His nick is Blackvader. Now he is having multiple records with multiple accounts on the same track. For example: … ow=RECORDS

I cleaned up the two slowest times.

See logins: (all have the sam nickname)
- forceair
- michaelundmartina
- hubertkah

Plus _proraceteam_, as noted in your later edit.  The other three are Nations logins.

We have banned him from our server but now he's driving on an own server that's password protected where hes driving with all 3 accounts. The account of the server is:


Can you do something against it?

I'm not sure what you'd want me to do... while it's definitely unsportsmanlike to sit in your own server and retry tracks many times, with no distractions from other players, until you've got a top record, it's not really cheating. Also, out of 467 records in the database that were made on this server, 7 are by _proraceteam_ and the rest by forceair.  The other two logins didn't make records on it (which is understandable for michaelundmartina as that's banned already). Of those 460 records, 290 are #1 entries.

I spent a few hours this morning to check the records (including two dozen actual tracks and, if available, the #1 replay from TMX) for forceair, hubertkah and _proraceteam_, but the latter pair really don't appear to have cheated entries.  forceair is suspect because of the high number of #1 entries, but only a handful seemed utterly unfeasible (and were deleted, so by now the above numbers are slight lower).  No consistent pattern of cheating emerged.

The most frustrating part of these kinds of investigations is that many entries are made on those damn lol-tracks, which often don't have checkpoints and involve too much luck to reliably tell whether a top time could be cheated or not. This also applies to many of forceair's times, and if they're cheated it's done so subtly that it's hard to prove.

So, while it would be easy to ban all those logins and delete all those records, I'm not convinced (yet) that this would be fair. It could be that he's just a good driver and he obviously spends a lot of time making all those entries.

Making two or three entries on a track with the same nickname is a different matter:

The track above is not the only track. There are a lot of tracks where he has multiple records wih this 3 accounts.

Well, whenever I encounter such situations (e.g. with identical classic TMN and TMF logins on the same Stadium track) I delete the slowest time(s). But there's no easy way to scan the database for duplicate nicknames that possibly belong to the same person, there are way too many identical but unrelated nicknames around which would clutter up the results of such a scan. I suppose I could do a scan for this specific nickname though.



#134 2009-09-09 00:56:21

??Ð?Ç??? ??? ?
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Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 7

Re: Wrong records

I just wanted to know if you have any method/idea to detect such multiple records of the same "person" on a single track. And I wanted you to strip down the records of him on the track to only have one account per track.

So I hope you'll find a way to solve it automatically in the future.

Maybe when the dedimania api is changed in the near future, require the IP-Address of each login.
This way there might be a chance to check the comibination Nickname + IP + Track for equality to fight the above scenario.

In Germany more and more people aree getting static IPs for there internet access.

Thanks for your investigation!

P.S. What about Nickname insulting peoples/clans? Anyway to get rid of suche people? Because, the above login temporary renames to a nickname insulting our clan. Can I report such things also here? What would be the penalty, if any?



#135 2009-09-09 14:05:52

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

【ᅏÐωÇᅑ】傘 ᄽᆢᄿ 傘 wrote:

I just wanted to know if you have any method/idea to detect such multiple records of the same "person" on a single track. And I wanted you to strip down the records of him on the track to only have one account per track.

So I hope you'll find a way to solve it automatically in the future.

I wrote a script to scan the database for multiple identical nicknames with the same nation on the same track in the same mode.  Deletion of records is never automatic, in order to prevent mistakes, so I'll still have to examine the results manually and delete all but the best times in cases where they really appear to be the same player. That will take a few days, depending on the volume.

Maybe when the dedimania api is changed in the near future, require the IP-Address of each login.
This way there might be a chance to check the comibination Nickname + IP + Track for equality to fight the above scenario.

In Germany more and more people aree getting static IPs for there internet access.

The world is larger than just Germany. tongue  Since there are always dynamic IPs somewhere, such a check is impossible.

P.S. What about Nickname insulting peoples/clans? Anyway to get rid of suche people? Because, the above login temporary renames to a nickname insulting our clan. Can I report such things also here? What would be the penalty, if any?

We cannot police the entire TM community, and this gets into censorship waters too. Who decides what is insulting or vulgar, in which language?  No, this is completely impractical, not to mention undesirable.

Just ignore insults. wink



#136 2009-09-11 00:37:41

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

Xymph wrote:

I wrote a script to scan the database for multiple identical nicknames with the same nation on the same track in the same mode.  Deletion of records is never automatic, in order to prevent mistakes, so I'll still have to examine the results manually and delete all but the best times in cases where they really appear to be the same player. That will take a few days, depending on the volume.

The first clean-up pass is done, checking tracks that have three (or more) identical nicks in the same mode.  For ΒζāčķŲāđêŗ, that amounted to 20 tracks, and for another player called »Ť¤¥«~ET~ a whopping 108. wink  Another dozen+ players had one or a handful of tracks with three or more (over 20 in one case) entries.  All pruned down to their respective best times.

Further passes will widen the net.



#137 2009-09-14 17:36:19

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Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 1

Re: Wrong records

Incorrect Record:

Map: ESL-Distressing
MapUID: LVdyoekB81GSp5yySqJW9r6HwQd
Mode: Rnd
Dedi Link: … how=RECORD
Reason: Wrong number of CPS.

#1 Rnd record: 43.29s
CheckPoints (ms): 6760,14970,22240,27540,40600,43290 = 6 CPs

#2 Rnd record: 50.31
CheckPoints (ms): 3230,12840,15650,24300,26620,31480,36950,44700,50310 = 9 CPs



#138 2009-09-15 10:21:55

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

яєкηαωזεזופ wrote:

Incorrect Record:

Map: ESL-Distressing
MapUID: LVdyoekB81GSp5yySqJW9r6HwQd

Deleted. Thanks for the report, though for this kind of invalid record there's no real need as I scan the database for these situations every day. Cheated records are sometimes harder to detect, so reports of those remain welcome.



#139 2009-09-15 12:02:38

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Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 5

Re: Wrong records

i'd like to report two incorrect dedi times, from which i'm surprized that they're not yet reported... smile

Track: ESL-Odyssey
UID: XtZMq8bbFg_Y75WkGBuY_1rOQb5

the #1 and #2 of the TA dedi times are incorrect (yono: 1'00"79 and slyk: 1'02"57). these are probably times driven on another esl track, crossover, but are bugged to this track.

thank you in advance. wink



#140 2009-09-15 17:03:07

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

「ผイf」JumperJackツ wrote:

i'd like to report two incorrect dedi times, from which i'm surprized that they're not yet reported... smile

Track: ESL-Odyssey
UID: XtZMq8bbFg_Y75WkGBuY_1rOQb5

the #1 and #2 of the TA dedi times are incorrect (yono: 1'00"79 and slyk: 1'02"57). these are probably times driven on another esl track, crossover, but are bugged to this track.

Yeah, those sector times looked rather out of place. Deleted, thanks for the report.



#141 2009-09-30 10:41:46

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Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 5

Re: Wrong records

noticed other bugrecs on an ESL track.

Track: ESL-CrossOver
UID: MtpjaAOXNb6ydoCg9efjL3kDp64

the times of the numbers 1-4 of the rounds records are simply impossible. the logins are "snailsniffer", "smartdriver", "harrii" and "antero".

thanks in advance. smile



#142 2009-09-30 16:48:02

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

「ผイf」JumperJackツ wrote:

noticed other bugrecs on an ESL track.

Track: ESL-CrossOver
UID: MtpjaAOXNb6ydoCg9efjL3kDp64

the times of the numbers 1-4 of the rounds records are simply impossible. the logins are "snailsniffer", "smartdriver", "harrii" and "antero".

Deleted. Thanks for the reminder.



#143 2009-10-12 05:55:09

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Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1

Re: Wrong records

For some reason the server isn't loading dedimania for the right tracks. Resulting in times getting posted wrongly.

EDIT: I guess never mind? Not showing up on the dedi links. Still check it out though just in case.

Top three for Focal Point by publicpublic are all posted from a different track. … ow=RECORDS
UID: LxCzjIZs8NFCcLEcvqo76qNWE39

First dedimania is wrong on Th!s !s by nlpwf … ow=RECORDS


Last edited by void.ҜђάσŦįс (2009-10-12 05:58:03)



#144 2009-10-12 10:11:19

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

void.ҜђάσŦįс wrote:

Top three for Focal Point by publicpublic are all posted from a different track. … ow=RECORDS

First dedimania is wrong on Th!s !s by nlpwf … ow=RECORDS

I don't see anything wrong with the checkpoints distribution for any record on either of these tracks.



#145 2009-10-12 21:32:08

Registered: 2008-12-27
Posts: 11

Re: Wrong records

UId of the map: EDWzMyVwRs2sr7QzwN
- mode (TA, Rounds, etc.): TA
- time: every time/record from resultdate 2009-10-11 21:56:16
- login: every login whose record are from resultdate 2009-10-11 21:56:16
- an little explanation about what make you think that it is a wrong record: This is confirmed by Kilburn himself: The times of those players were actually set and driven on RPG - Puzzletime (qJ4Ts28N6NVo8PAWCi1vn1pM2Ck), but mysteriously ended up on RPG - Eert 75.
- a link to get the map: … ow=RECORDS

Driving under 10 is probably not possible on RPG - Eert 75.

Any more information or confirmations needed? I'll be watching this topic the following days



#146 2009-10-12 21:56:08

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

SSRTecfan wrote:

- a link to get the map: … ow=RECORDS

Driving under 10 is probably not possible on RPG - Eert 75.

Loading the track confirms it has 34 checkpoints, so the entries with 36 are bogus indeed, and I deleted them.  Thanks for the report (otherwise I would have gotten to it tomorrow, as inconsistent checkpoint counts is on of the many things I scan the database for on a daily basis).



#147 2009-10-28 23:31:54

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Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 1

Re: Wrong records

hey ho,
ive made a wrong record on the following maps, ive never played both maps before on ANY server:
B13-Obstacle by Nadeo
Lost night by Low_B
my login is his0k4

thx bye smile

20584405      TMU      his0k4      00:24.74      TAttack      B13-Obstacle      tmfriends1      XASECO-1.04      2009-10-28 21:25:51      5970,12510,19840,24740

    20581337      TMU      his0k4      00:30.87      TAttack      Lost night      ofcserver100      XASECO-1.10      2009-10-28 20:28:34      4110,7080,15010,20630,23980,28060,30870

Last edited by his0k4 (2009-10-28 23:40:58)



#148 2009-10-29 09:30:03

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

єяя0я_HoE wrote:

ive made a wrong record on the following maps, ive never played both maps before on ANY server:
B13-Obstacle by Nadeo
Lost night by Low_B
my login is his0k4

You made records on six tracks that all look cheated.  All deleted, and login blocked.  Nice try though. roll



#149 2009-11-01 01:15:48

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Registered: 2008-07-26
Posts: 6

Re: Wrong records

Hey, Xymph:

Track is Sliverstone, … ow=RECORDS.

After conferring with many at the top of the times list, we all agree that there is something fishy with the 46.96 time by felipe. It's just too fast, and none of us can find a short cut. Please check to see if it's kosher.




#150 2009-11-01 21:06:41

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

[9FA]zzzyzygy wrote:

Track is Sliverstone, … ow=RECORDS.

After conferring with many at the top of the times list, we all agree that there is something fishy with the 46.96 time by felipe. It's just too fast, and none of us can find a short cut. Please check to see if it's kosher.

The third sector 4 seconds faster than everyone else seems impossible indeed.  Deleted.  Thanks for the heads-up.



#151 2009-11-02 17:45:31

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Registered: 2008-09-26
Posts: 1

Re: Wrong records

Hi dedimania team,
on Nadeo track D03-Acrobatic there are two times in dedimania which are quite better than WR of 15.38. Its 1st place driven by bigjoint (time 15.24) and 2nd place driven by hitlan (time 15.27). Could you please examine these two records wheter they are cheats or normal regular times? I know that the way WR was done isnt possible time better than maybe 15.35. I have found some cut in this track but im not sure if it is quicker than normal way. Thank you very much

Last edited by 「тахі」Redeg (2009-11-02 17:49:18)



#152 2009-11-02 22:36:57

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

「тахі」Redeg wrote:

on Nadeo track D03-Acrobatic there are two times in dedimania which are quite better than WR of 15.38. Its 1st place driven by bigjoint (time 15.24) and 2nd place driven by hitlan (time 15.27). Could you please examine these two records wheter they are cheats or normal regular times? I know that the way WR was done isnt possible time better than maybe 15.35. I have found some cut in this track but im not sure if it is quicker than normal way.

The two players that made those two entries had no other records anywhere else, and in my experience no one can drive a tight track like this so much faster than anyone else while not doing that on any other track.  So yeah, they must have been cheated, but it was nearly impossible to detect with my database scans because there are no checkpoints on this track.

Both deleted: … ow=RECORDS
Thanks for the heads-up.



#153 2009-11-06 10:25:07

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Registered: 2009-11-06
Posts: 8

Re: Wrong records

hi my name is Spoons

I have recently opened a new server, running xaseco 1.10 in rounds mode.

Now everything seems to be running fine, apart from one thing every signle dedimania record on my server is wrong. I dont know why and cant really figure out what the hell it is.

My host, host's another server for our clan and all the dedimania records on there are right, they lag a bit but they are all right.

But mine has tracks theat dont even have records in the list and i know it should have.

For example best i can give is the track … uto%23auto

My time is 35.97 on here top time, but dedi on my server is only showing the best local rec as fastest time.

any help on this subject will be much appreciated

P.S. i just noticed on the TMX page that the recs on my dedi board are registering at tmx but not showing the other dedi times on my board.

Last edited by CS_ςρόόης (2009-11-06 10:53:43)



#154 2009-11-06 20:06:23

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1975

Re: Wrong records

CS_ςρόόης wrote:

Now everything seems to be running fine, apart from one thing every signle dedimania record on my server is wrong. I dont know why and cant really figure out what the hell it is.

This thread is about misplaced and cheated records.  There's nothing wrong about your situation, and this post belonged in a new thread, or in the XAseco forum.

CS_ςρόόης wrote:

For example best i can give is the track … uto%23auto

Don't copy TMX links from your address bar, they're useless.  You need to use the external link, which I dug up: … 62260#auto

CS_ςρόόης wrote:

My time is 35.97 on here top time, but dedi on my server is only showing the best local rec as fastest time.

You missed the fact that TA and Rounds records are two separate lists in Dedimania.  If your server runs in Rounds, it'll show only the Rounds entries.  The screens look perfectly normal.



#155 2009-11-07 14:49:20

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Registered: 2009-11-06
Posts: 8

Re: Wrong records

ok thanks xymph, sorry for wasting ya time with some foolish questions then.

Il trundle on back to my server and have some fun instead : D



#156 2009-12-03 17:26:02

???» McBain ??
Registered: 2008-04-26
Posts: 20

Re: Wrong records

rcp sending wrong records...

uid: mG0gJrKUhLnZRHhlOpq53svrGD2 … ow=RECORDS

i'd say just delete every record from choeTMNF server on this map



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