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  •  » Does a Trackmania Server Save all Settings that are changed in-gamne?

#1 2012-07-14 16:44:49

New member
Registered: 2011-06-20
Posts: 5

Does a Trackmania Server Save all Settings that are changed in-gamne?


me and a friend host a server.
We dont have buy it. We configure it ouerself.

Now i have the question: if i give a player operator rights he is Operator after Reconnecting. But if the server restarts is still Operator? In this case we dont have edit the config script or so.
And what is with the tracks. Does any file save it? So we dont have to edit all scripts every time?

Hope you understand me smile


#2 2012-07-14 17:05:18

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 1999

Re: Does a Trackmania Server Save all Settings that are changed in-gamne?

There's a lot of info here:
After studying that, if you have further questions, use the official XAseco forum, there are a lot more XAseco users there.


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  •  » Does a Trackmania Server Save all Settings that are changed in-gamne?

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