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#131 2013-01-13 17:24:29
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
infinity71 wrote:
Ich halte diese Zeiten für sehr sehr unglaubwürdig :
UID: RtJqgsQ6j5o5c3xxVKnSRUrvFRc
UID: cfxs8sUanvCT3k_lVKACkejwmoe
UID: ildeJzDU11p9eFU1RUoZedYpKAf
UID: KcsG7NDk61QGKyzNzkNL0pZg1T6 strange 2.cp
UID: 82Abmghi_fJyCjyWziHmUK4Uyp4
was denkst du Xymph ?
I think all those tracks are useless to prove anything either way.
#132 2013-01-13 17:45:24
- Sle7in.
- moron12
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- Registered: 2013-01-09
- Posts: 59
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
here we go uploaded them anyway
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 33685#auto
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 21305#auto there was a tmx replay anyway...
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 23352#auto
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 11142#auto
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 78279#auto
nevermind have a great one
Last edited by moron12 (2013-01-14 19:19:50)
#133 2013-01-15 20:05:43
- ARCADE-digga
- sick_castrator
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- Registered: 2010-05-09
- Posts: 82
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Login: orimarco
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS -> impossible sector --> imposs time
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS -> seems like its not possible
#134 2013-01-18 23:09:40
- ARCADE-digga
- sick_castrator
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- Registered: 2010-05-09
- Posts: 82
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Login: ergys99
http://www.dedimania.com/tmstats/?do=st … CxT7PipoM0
http://www.dedimania.com/tmstats/?do=st … ow=RECORDS
PS: If you like, update my name as well?
Last edited by sick_castrator (2013-01-18 23:10:48)
#135 2013-01-19 09:45:38
#136 2013-01-19 09:47:15
- ARCADE-digga
- sick_castrator
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- Registered: 2010-05-09
- Posts: 82
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Ups, sorry, didnt watch the date.
Thought on such an old map there will be no more new recs
Thanks for name-update
#137 2013-01-20 20:23:29
- ZZ°Top ?????.??
- enryx13
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- From: Italy
- Registered: 2011-06-25
- Posts: 83
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
Top1 (rocky1803) and Top2 (dyland0404) times look too fast compared to 3-30 can you have a look? No-CP it could be misplaced entries.
btw the server-login where they were driven is displayed as " missing:16717 " not sure what that's supposed to mean ^^
#138 2013-01-20 20:54:30
- ???????????
- st3v30
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- Registered: 2011-10-23
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Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Hi, i want to report a cheater:
1. UId of a map: 6Xtjl6rVNsKaTcPonFfN
2. Login of a player who cheated: crockslock
3. Description of cheating: He cheated on mini RPG server. He made an impossible time on reported map, so i decided to spectate him. I saw his car literally "flying" over a map. So i blacklisted him and came here to report him. He is about 10 secs faster then first dedi guy.
4. -
5. TMX link: http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=3741866
#139 2013-01-20 22:14:56
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
st3v30 wrote:
1. UId of a map: 6Xtjl6rVNsKaTcPonFfN
No, it's 6Xtjl6rVNsKaTcPonFfN_Vjdto3
st3v30 wrote:
2. Login of a player who cheated: crockslock
That login was already banned on Jan 15. Next time check that a record was actually stored on the TMStats site before reporting.
#140 2013-01-20 22:30:31
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
enryx13 wrote:
Top1 (rocky1803) and Top2 (dyland0404) times look too fast compared to 3-30 can you have a look? No-CP it could be misplaced entries.
It was rocky1803's only record, and probably cheated or a glitch - deleted.
There are no suspect entries among dyland0404's records (as far as I checked), so I'll give that one the benefit of the doubt.
enryx13 wrote:
btw the server-login where they were driven is displayed as " missing:16717 " not sure what that's supposed to mean
For unknown reasons, a number of entries in the server table of the Dedimania database were lost last Summer, and Slig recreated them with that "login".
#141 2013-01-21 21:42:08
- ????tosh
- tosh686
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- Registered: 2013-01-21
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Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Are the first records cheat or luck?
Login: laurensjes
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
Last edited by tosh686 (2013-01-21 22:17:56)
#142 2013-01-22 20:15:58
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
tosh686 wrote:
Are the first records cheat or luck?
Login: laurensjes
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
I reckon that's cheated - even if the penultimate sector (0.4s faster than average) was luck, the last one (another 0.45s) couldn't be, as there's no way to gain that much speed on such a small distance.
tosh686 wrote:
Don't know about that one - but it's deleted anyway as part of the housekeeping for the above.
Thanks for the report.
#143 2013-01-22 22:48:02
- ZZ°Top ?????.??
- enryx13
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- From: Italy
- Registered: 2011-06-25
- Posts: 83
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Uid = rlwsKCTSNNMq_9SptRAMwuYRmUe
Top1 by " nonowalloux " not possible
Weird map but in 12 sec you are in the middle of last drop... Just not possible to finish
Something weird about this map in dedi tmstats page
lots of records are not shown at all
dunno if it's just for me, here a screenshot Clicky
Easy to see some ranks are missing oO
#144 2013-01-23 00:15:51
#145 2013-01-23 18:53:25
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
enryx13 wrote:
Uid = rlwsKCTSNNMq_9SptRAMwuYRmUe
Top1 by " nonowalloux " not possible
Weird map but in 12 sec you are in the middle of last drop... Just not possible to finish
I suppose not, but his other entry that same day was very clearly cheated. Housekeeping performed, thanks.
enryx13 wrote:
Something weird about this map in dedi tmstats page
lots of records are not shown at all
dunno if it's just for me, here a screenshot Clicky
Easy to see some ranks are missing oO
That happens when the RGame filter is set to TMU. After setting it back to All one should see all recs... except that the page caching may keep showing the subset for a while. That's something for Slig to comment on, if he so chooses.
#146 2013-01-25 01:21:59
- RR Kozaki
- bode_leon
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- Registered: 2009-11-16
- Posts: 27
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
First rec one this one: http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
The second sector may be somehow possible, but third and forth are way to fast.
Edit: But I seen on a simular track times which are to good for my taste, but by players from which I know the dont cheat... maybe here is a way to which I dont see...
Last edited by bode_leon (2013-01-25 19:05:14)
#147 2013-01-25 22:44:56
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
bode_leon wrote:
First rec one this one: http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
The second sector may be somehow possible, but third and forth are way to fast.
This track is way too bad to bother investigating, and there's no indication that the login cheated on this or other tracks.
#148 2013-01-27 21:28:32
- GC'SlideR.LeG
- keny__d
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- Registered: 2013-01-05
- Posts: 2
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
login: boomerwos
Suspect records: ALL!
Examples: Knights Cup maps. He drove in a week like 62 WR's on nolifed maps and always with strange cp's. On this map (UD:kRXnzJBvNpa1otizksPSSbMG46k) he has -40 on 1st cp on all the other dedi recs and cut is not poss. You can check all other WR's by him. Either he has extreme bad or good 1st sectors.
Please check this and ban him...
Here a screen without valid time...
http://leg-trackmania.de/mypics/TmForev … -09-86.bmp
Last edited by keny__d (2013-01-27 22:18:51)
#149 2013-01-27 23:11:51
#150 2013-02-11 16:02:54
- ?????? ? ?????.
- trackmanieur
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- Registered: 2012-02-16
- Posts: 23
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
login: losi1
cheater spoted on several stadium map
#151 2013-02-11 17:13:38
#152 2013-02-26 03:20:31
- Sle7in.
- moron12
- Member
- Registered: 2013-01-09
- Posts: 59
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
login: corsakoff_live
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 61664#auto
at first it does not look unusal and i am not saying the time is not possible.
I tried it a few times.
His first cp is 4.48 and if you drive so close to the 1.cp you do not have a lot of speed for the jump, therefore his second sector is very fast . I checked out the other dedimania records and it proved that my thinking was right. Some drivers with a similar 1.cp (4.49-4.51)have 6.19+ in that sector( he got 6,11). With that cp you are not able to get a 14.6x cause of the low speed you have due to the close start.
Checked and still checking a lot of his records and most of them are useless to report cause those maps do not have any cps, so i am reporting everyone which has the smallest suspicious/weird sector in it(just saying that cause i know it is not a big evidence but it is clearly one). He is keep getting frist dedimania records each day (about 10 p. day, beating them by 0.01-0.05 mostly) and since new year he "drove" 302 of them. I understand if you saying that those maps all lucky ones, cause most of them are, but not even the really good players placing so many first dedimania records in 2 month.
Last edited by moron12 (2013-02-26 03:29:09)
#153 2013-02-26 11:30:06
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
I agree, it's time to see some more replays. corsakoff_live is now temporarily banned, along with his server training-server2.
corsakoff_live, I'll assume you (or a buddy) will read this soon. Please upload to TMX your replays for the following tracks:
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … RciSKsJbRb
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … JyZTTEVqjj
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … 8Lu2VOLG_8
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … NdYXO81Fxf
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … 33tkkH6k4f
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … n9aWRG3I_d
The bans will be lifted when the replays look okay. Thanks.
moron12 wrote:
login: corsakoff_live
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 61664#auto
at first it does not look unusal and i am not saying the time is not possible.
I tried it a few times.
His first cp is 4.48 and if you drive so close to the 1.cp you do not have a lot of speed for the jump, therefore his second sector is very fast . I checked out the other dedimania records and it proved that my thinking was right. Some drivers with a similar 1.cp (4.49-4.51)have 6.19+ in that sector( he got 6,11). With that cp you are not able to get a 14.6x cause of the low speed you have due to the close start.
Checked and still checking a lot of his records and most of them are useless to report cause those maps do not have any cps, so i am reporting everyone which has the smallest suspicious/weird sector in it(just saying that cause i know it is not a big evidence but it is clearly one). He is keep getting frist dedimania records each day (about 10 p. day, beating them by 0.01-0.05 mostly) and since new year he "drove" 302 of them. I understand if you saying that those maps all lucky ones, cause most of them are, but not even the really good players placing so many first dedimania records in 2 month.
#154 2013-02-26 12:09:00
- Sle7in.
- moron12
- Member
- Registered: 2013-01-09
- Posts: 59
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
i would also add a few to the list if you don't mind Xymph. if you do mind delete it:D
nations or no TMX:
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … dmJDr84zPg
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … KYUB1k1kP5
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … e3rAOyMl_l
at least those pls:D
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … KS8IG5_8Xj
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … DwSz7Ciiaf
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … H1B1r_pow7
http://www.xaseco.org/uidfinder.php?uid … 1OVGhk4si9
Last edited by moron12 (2013-02-26 12:40:28)
#155 2013-02-26 13:42:27
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
moron12 wrote:
i would also add a few to the list if you don't mind Xymph. if you do mind delete it
nations or no TMX:
That's precisely the reason I didn't ask for these three.
moron12 wrote:
at least those pls
We'll see, that depends on the outcome of my initial list.
#156 2013-02-26 16:14:29
- Ç?????
- infinity71
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- Registered: 2012-08-25
- Posts: 29
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Tag zusammen^^
Ich beobachte gerne diesen Forum Es ist immer wieder lustig wenn sich Fahrer aufregen, wenn einer besser ist, als sie selbst
Vorab weg ich will niemanden in Schutz nehmen aber ich finde es doch sehr merkwürdig das sich moron12 so aufregt! Er behauptet niemand fährt soviele Dedis wie corsakoff_live an einem Tag.
Login: Demis
Er fährt jeden tag über 1. neue Dedis. Also nichts ungewöhnliches.
Moron12 ist auch ein "Anfänger" wenn man seine ranking sieht Er hat über 60 neue 1. Dedis von corsakoff_live unterboten. 40 davon ohne CP. Und das in 2 Monaten
Darüber regt sich seltsamerweiser keiner auf!! Also sind doch die recs von corsakoff-live nichts besonderes. Jetzt postet er mal eine map wo er nicht den 1. dedi fahren kann. Sorry aber das ist mehr als suspekt. Und all seine recs von Moron12 sind auch auf Privaten Server mit Passwort gefahren
Login: moron12
UID: AqVq7caGdXOsgmOvjXfCdjoosXl
UID: KcsG7NDk61QGKyzNzkNL0pZg1T6
UID: RjQTOjVgqPmrqwtlowEDjn0r6M7
UID: Rs7LuzBfq_i_qga9A1XRFzwkBv6
UID: KJ78nxIaYwQ4zb5mME4NUT0ky26 Time: 13.42-13.46. Hier gehen auch 13.34.? wenn ja, sind alle maps immer besser zu fahren;). Weil er regt sich ja auf das corsakoff_live bei vielen Maps 0.01-0.03 schneller ist
UID: AqVq7caGdXOsgmOvjXfCdjoosXl Diese Map ist von Style her wie die UID:XB2ES4prG6R9ZGAr5RciSKsJbRb
also warum soll diese Zeit von corsakoff_live unmöglich sein??
Aber wenn Moron12 alle Replays zeigt sieht man doch das es immer besser und schneller geht
Ein anderes Beispiel:
boerta87 wrote:
i i know that^^ but he got plenty of recs where he got always 0,01 better that the thing^^ and this are always maps without cps -.-
hmm http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 36260#auto
u deleted this frist rec of loft-room?? that was for example a hard dedi to break and he got ,95
Xxmph wrote: Yes, the normal procedure for one cheated entry is to delete about two dozen more as initial punishment.
The .96 replay on TMX by rus_mischa looks very tight but I can't tell whether it's impossible to shave 0.01 off of it. So that gets the benefit of the doubt.
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 36260#auto
Angeblich gehen KEINE 16.95 und du hast damals die recs von loft-room alle gelöscht^^ jetzt gehen sogar 16.94^^
Nochmals: ich will keinen in Schutz nehmen. nur ich habe das Gefühl das Moron12 einen hohen Neid-Faktor hat.
Login: babynat
Login: looky62 (Tag is :.исτ« Ѕιмои.)
UID: kyUlrgz4JUVYLgE02LfNQjkLsfb
1. CP zeit unmöglich !!! Max. 3.21sec 1. Cp. 2.dedi vom dimitri5757 halte ich auch nicht möglich.....Beide recs wurden auf dem selben Server gefahren
So, genug^^ Xmph du machst einen sehr guten Job hier. Aber irgendwelche Leute zu bannen oder zu Speeren nur weil einige hier nicht klar kommen, wenn einige besser sind, finde ich das persönlich sehr schade.
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