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#1 2013-04-22 17:40:11

New member
Registered: 2013-04-22
Posts: 5

Cant get dedimania code.

Okay i have a dedimania under the username Naveronasis for TMF

My server login for TM2 is Naveronasis_SV and it was of course created on mania planets for dedicated server under my ingame login of Naveronasis...

How do i get a TM2 dedimania code for TM2 since xaseco2 still demands this.... When i hit get code, Naveroansis gives me my TMNF code (which i no longer need)


#2 2013-04-22 20:26:30

New member
Registered: 2013-04-22
Posts: 5

Re: Cant get dedimania code.

I seem to have the same problem as....

As i said again my mania planet login to the game is Naveronasis, my server account is Naveronasis_SV (for TM2)... I have not been able to get a dedimania code and i can neither send nor-recieve records from dedimania.


#3 2013-04-24 11:10:20

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 880

Re: Cant get dedimania code.

It already worked for others with a server login longer, and with mixed cases and an underscore too  hmm

Once you have connected (on maniaplanet special connection/redirection page), what do you get on that page :  ?
You should see a list of your dedicated servers logins (those which where registered on the maniaplanet player page with the player login you used to connect), each line having a button to register or check/regenerate the associated dedicode).
So what is your problem ?  you don't see that list or the button don't work ?


#4 2013-04-26 17:44:46

New member
Registered: 2013-04-22
Posts: 5

Re: Cant get dedimania code.

Yeah it gave me an error before i got to that page that only read "Error Occured" then every time i went back there it just took me to the forum instead of to registration... I actually got registration this time.


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