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  •  » Limiting the highest rank shown in the dedimania widget

#1 2013-07-21 14:52:48

[DRG] Daan
New member
Registered: 2013-07-21
Posts: 4

Limiting the highest rank shown in the dedimania widget

Hi there,

I'm using xaseco 2 with records_eyepiece for the ui. Right now the dedimania widget shows all records that exist but I want to limit the highest one that will be shown in the widget. I have tried using the <limit_recs> tag in dedimania.xml but that doesn't appear to do anything (I think that is just for the text messages before and after rounds?)

Is there any way to limit the highest rank that will be shown to say for example 30? I know a lot of other servers which show the ranks only up to 30 because players can only set records up to rank 30 there. We're planning on donating soon to allow our players to rank up to 80 but we would also like the widget to only show ranks up to 80 then.

If there is any additional information needed just let me know and for now thanks in advance for helping out.




#2 2013-07-21 15:11:31

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2008

Re: Limiting the highest rank shown in the dedimania widget


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