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#521 2014-07-11 19:56:00
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
corsakoff_live wrote:
Thats after updating my Windows the prob, sorry! By updating my System, i forgot to save the extern Folder with the Replays.
Oh no, not that one again... yawn.
corsakoff_live wrote:
But just because i didn´t have them it doesen´t says that the Times aren´t possible!
Prove it, or shut up.
corsakoff_live wrote:
What should I do now?
That has already been explained to you multiple times.
And while I'm a patient man, my tolerance for your lame excuses, lack of real answers to my questions, broken promises, stalling tactics, and (most of all) lack of replays, has dwindled down to zero. I'm feeling more and more that you're just laughing behind your keyboard about all the extra time you're being granted. No more, I'm giving you a hard deadline:
You have until July 25 to upload replays to TMX for all six tracks listed in this post. The times of the replays must equal or improve on your Dedimania entries, they must validate, and they must be acceptable to my and others' prying eyes.
That's a very reasonable two weeks for six records which you claim are not so difficult to achieve, so you must be confident that you can do it again. Now is your last chance to demonstrate that. To impress us even more, do the same for the first ten tracks linked from this post before August 1 (one extra week).
If this does not happen for any reason, I am finally convinced that none of your entries are legitimate. Then your ban will become permanent with no chance of unban through a donation (which is irrelevant since it's just a Nations login anyway), and all your records will be deleted.
Lastly, any further forum posts that duck the real issue will move the deadline forward by three days. So please start driving and uploading, and don't post again until all specified replays are on TMX. Thanks.
#522 2014-07-11 20:21:25
- « ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
- radovan_odjebani
- Moderator.
- From: Slovenia
- Registered: 2013-03-17
- Posts: 158
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Thank you Xymph for making the right decision.
I apologise for all onconvenience in the proceedure of annoying you and accusing him with really no evidence and only assumptions. I hope you're not too mad for this but I also hope we have maybe gained your trust. And not from assuming someone cheats but by having a hard time proving it and not being able top prove times valid unless new cut is made. Hope Dedimania never has to deal with players like this anymore.
#523 2014-07-11 20:42:08
- Kminz
- kminz
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- Registered: 2013-07-28
- Posts: 21
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
radovan_odjebani wrote:
Thank you Xymph for making the right decision.
I apologise for all onconvenience in the proceedure of annoying you and accusing him with really no evidence and only assumptions. I hope you're not too mad for this but I also hope we have maybe gained your trust. And not from assuming someone cheats but by having a hard time proving it and not being able top prove times valid unless new cut is made. Hope Dedimania never has to deal with players like this anymore.
Stole the words out of my mouth. Thanks Xymph
#524 2014-07-20 11:47:50
- Darky
- tm2:darky0399
- New member
- Registered: 2013-06-28
- Posts: 4
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Implausible records by player gelatelli222 here aLOzuz99P2sM3867bL8H6fh0X_m and here sD9wBbwbTpBMakemcq9EiOXkls3 and his other records are also suspect but possible
Last edited by tm2:darky0399 (2014-07-20 11:53:12)
#525 2014-07-20 22:58:12
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
tm2:darky0399 wrote:
Implausible records by player gelatelli222 here aLOzuz99P2sM3867bL8H6fh0X_m and here sD9wBbwbTpBMakemcq9EiOXkls3 and his other records are also suspect but possible
Banned and all deleted, thanks.
#526 2014-07-23 21:42:07
- ???.????
- corsakoff_live
- Member
- Registered: 2013-03-03
- Posts: 16
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
i cant uploaded some replay at TMX. Only 2 maps
http://united.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx … ;id=252102 my another time 10:66
http://nations.tm-exchange.com/main.asp … id=1620959 my another : 9:12
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=4645980 my another 10:05
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=3055132 my another 10:57
http://nations.tm-exchange.com/main.asp … ;id=208962 my another 11:85
http://nations.tm-exchange.com/main.asp … ;id=228670 only luck..the trick is double side flip. you know nobody cant drive the same time. these are not fullspeed or tech maps. only LOL maps.
map 1 and 4 (10.66 and 10:57) i cant it better. but these are not skill maps. drive it when you will i send the rest of my replays to your email when you will
i say it again IAM NOT A CHEATER !! BELIVE ME . watch my another replays please !!!! and you will see it.
#527 2014-07-23 22:06:07
- « ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
- radovan_odjebani
- Moderator.
- From: Slovenia
- Registered: 2013-03-17
- Posts: 158
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
xymph wrote:
Lastly, any further forum posts that duck the real issue will move the deadline forward by three days. So please start driving and uploading, and don't post again until all specified replays are on TMX. Thanks.
Oooops. You just made a fatal mistake there Have a nice day vader.
corsakoff_live wrote:
watch my another replays please !!!! and you will see it.
What replays? The non-existing ones or the ones of maps that noone plays?
Last edited by radovan_odjebani (2014-07-23 22:09:39)
#528 2014-07-23 23:46:17
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
corsakoff_live wrote:
i cant uploaded some replay at TMX. Only 2 maps
Yeah, they're strict on TM versions, that's a bit inconvenient.
corsakoff_live wrote:
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=trackshow&id=4645980 my another 10:05
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=3055132 my another 10:57
These are unimpressive, to say the least, in comparison with your Dedimania entries, and therefore useless when it comes to convincing me that those Dedi ones aren't cheated.
corsakoff_live wrote:
when you will i send the rest of my replays to your email when you will
Don't email them, zip and upload them to Dropbox or a similar free storage site so that everyone can download and check them.
#529 2014-07-24 11:52:34
- « ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
- radovan_odjebani
- Moderator.
- From: Slovenia
- Registered: 2013-03-17
- Posts: 158
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
wkSDdtkgznSLB7HTbJ6Npce4Yja 1st dedimania record way out of the pattern
#530 2014-07-24 17:34:29
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
radovan_odjebani wrote:
wkSDdtkgznSLB7HTbJ6Npce4Yja 1st dedimania record way out of the pattern
No obvious malice, perhaps just a misplaced entry. Deleted with no further consequences.
#531 2014-07-24 18:33:16
- ???.????
- corsakoff_live
- Member
- Registered: 2013-03-03
- Posts: 16
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
here my replays:
ok xymph watch these pls. and you will see iam not a cheater !!!!!!! i dont risk all my recs for this sh...t ! the 3-4 guys so jealous. not normal. ok plz unbanned me. or you need 10 euro for unbanned ?? tell me plz
Last edited by corsakoff_live (2014-07-24 18:39:32)
#532 2014-07-24 20:24:15
- « ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
- radovan_odjebani
- Moderator.
- From: Slovenia
- Registered: 2013-03-17
- Posts: 158
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
You don't deserve a second chance. And send the REPLAYS REQUIRED not the ones you think are convincing.
#533 2014-07-24 21:01:06
- Sle7in.
- moron12
- Member
- Registered: 2013-01-09
- Posts: 59
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
radovan_odjebani wrote:
You don't deserve a second chance. And send the REPLAYS REQUIRED not the ones you think are convincing.
everyone deserves a second chance but he is not even trying
here my replays:
ok xymph watch these pls. and you will see iam not a cheater !!!!!!! i dont risk all my recs for this sh...t ! the 3-4 guys so jealous. not normal. ok plz unbanned me. or you need 10 euro for unbanned ?? tell me plz wink
noone is jealous of your downloaded skill ... and BTW you are not even trying to convince anyone wit those BAD replays. gonna quote xymph on that one:
These are unimpressive, to say the least, in comparison with your Dedimania entries, and therefore useless when it comes to convincing me that those Dedi ones aren't cheated.
xymph wrote:
You have until July 25 to upload replays to TMX for all six tracks listed in this post. The times of the replays MUST equal or improve on your Dedimania entries, they must validate, and they must be acceptable to my and others' prying eyes.
Last edited by moron12 (2014-07-24 21:05:01)
#534 2014-07-24 22:33:53
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
moron12 wrote:
radovan_odjebani wrote:
You don't deserve a second chance.
everyone deserves a second chance
He already got a second chance, and then some.
corsakoff_live wrote:
here my replays:
ok xymph watch these pls.
I did, and I'm disappointed. Five replays for six requested tracks, and none meet this requirement:
xymph wrote:
The times of the replays must equal or improve on your Dedimania entries,
PJsZTZYKhSOLB4GCk4XBB3_uWig (aim_map 3, 11.85) is 0.04 too slow compared to your Dedi entry, which is almost an eternity on this track.
PJc9jPYmKSJzPSHo5lHe7NTVdk7 (insectium, 10.66) is way slower than 10.15.
HYkAYOo8VbbvdTfxBjKi2FFziUc (Mini 1, 9.12) ditto, compared to 8.89.
And we already covered qePpbko_IpUIhmbt64sUiYJ05P0 (Frago LOL 75) and FcuTMlkrP90uIY20HyB1_bt93of (LoL Short 13).
In short, the above five tracks do not convince me that your Dedimania entries are feasible, and therefore those were probably cheated.
Lastly, one of the requested replays (for http://nations.tm-exchange.com/main.asp … ;id=228670 ) was not included, and instead two others were included, RVnqbBZCHFhbEbzM8Ooz3JAVBk9 (Punk Forever, 24.71) and rfLmWGfOrEnwumzU5RgK3IrHar0 (Tricky_20, 8.42) which, surprisingly or not, do actually equal their Dedi entries. But the latter cannot be validated, which was another requirement.
Now, as it happens, I'll be out of town throughout the weekend and don't have time to deal with this situation any further until I'm back. So I'm giving you an extension until Sunday evening to produce a replay for that sixth track (F4vg773PXWpm9BOVBp7FtBE5Ax7) which equals or improves on your Dedi time of 12.82. If you manage, I'll have to consider whether to ask you to complete another test, or stick to the original deadline consequence and drop the axe (because of the other five failed replays). If you don't, the latter is however a certainty.
#535 2014-07-24 23:29:54
- « ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
- radovan_odjebani
- Moderator.
- From: Slovenia
- Registered: 2013-03-17
- Posts: 158
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
If we must post every suspicious time than so must he. All 6 replays or nothing. Since that time is possible he can nolife it for 3 days and get lucky... and that will prove him innocent, because he would maybe have 1 legit time out of 100+. Try asking him for a replay of this: (zt5rey3J2I3YbXBbqKYUB1k1kP5) Where the whole top3 is suspicious. It's a big advantage for a such an old map and that has no ''tricks'' that can be used.
Last edited by radovan_odjebani (2014-07-24 23:31:05)
#536 2014-07-26 09:08:08
- Sle7in.
- moron12
- Member
- Registered: 2013-01-09
- Posts: 59
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
xymph wrote:
was not included, and instead two others were included, RVnqbBZCHFhbEbzM8Ooz3JAVBk9 (Punk Forever, 24.71) and rfLmWGfOrEnwumzU5RgK3IrHar0 (Tricky_20, 8.42) which, surprisingly or not, do actually equal their Dedi entries. But the latter cannot be validated, which was another requirement.
FUN FACT: he claims that he does not have any replays anymore, yet he has replays of maps nobody asked for and they even equal his Dedi... check when he drove them. Even the replays in his uploaded .rar file show that they were driven at those dates , so he clearly has replays and is just BS'ing everyone!
punk forever:
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ;Limit=400
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ;Limit=400
xymph wrote:
I'll have to consider whether to ask you to complete another test, or stick to the original deadline consequence and drop the axe (because of the other five failed replays). If you don't, the latter is however a certainty.
Welll i went back a couple of pages and collected some maps wee already wanted to see a replay of last time and even included all TMNF tmx links (also the first part of http://dedimania.net/SITE/forum/viewtop … 4560#p4560).
So if you want to go for another test, you can choose out of this list, yet i am not convinced that another test will change anything. He couldn't provide one acceptable replay out of the first list.
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=3961664
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=2378140
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=3593628
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=2077150
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=1610131
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … ;id=257977
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=3897855
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=3593626
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=4663516
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=1430060
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=2231827
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=1392251
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=2918580
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=1592742
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=4918540
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=3141304
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=1563016
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … ;id=342061
Last edited by moron12 (2014-07-26 10:27:52)
#537 2014-07-26 12:21:09
- ???.????
- corsakoff_live
- Member
- Registered: 2013-03-03
- Posts: 16
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
xymph wrote:
Now, as it happens, I'll be out of town throughout the weekend and don't have time to deal with this situation any further until I'm back. So I'm giving you an extension until Sunday evening to produce a replay for that sixth track (F4vg773PXWpm9BOVBp7FtBE5Ax7) which equals or improves on your Dedi time of 12.82. If you manage, I'll have to consider whether to ask you to complete another test, or stick to the original deadline consequence and drop the axe (because of the other five failed replays). If you don't, the latter is however a certainty.
hi xymph,
i send the replay Tuesday or Wednesday evening. cause i have to many works. i hope its ok for you have a nice rest weekend and enjoy your rest weekend
#538 2014-07-26 20:07:04
- ARCADE-digga
- sick_castrator
- Member
- Registered: 2010-05-09
- Posts: 82
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Just wait until tomorrow evening when the (extended) deadline ends.
I'm sure Xymph stays by his words as he ever did - your comments doesn't help, they're more annoying than helpful.
#539 2014-07-27 06:35:14
- ?????|Thug
- e-thug
- Member
- Registered: 2010-12-31
- Posts: 45
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Hi xymph long time ago,
Dedi 1 is cheated here: _fVbKLrqVLc0U3EqpXvriVcDNu8
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 03789#auto
login: geranium23
#540 2014-07-27 17:33:12
- ???.????
- corsakoff_live
- Member
- Registered: 2013-03-03
- Posts: 16
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
dam shit... start wasnt good lost 0.01-0.02 i think.. and bad finish. too much right. better in the middle. lost 0.02 i think. 12.80 or 12.79 possible
[...deleted irrelevant drivel...]
Last edited by xymph (2014-07-28 11:52:42)
#541 2014-07-27 22:24:12
- « ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
- radovan_odjebani
- Moderator.
- From: Slovenia
- Registered: 2013-03-17
- Posts: 158
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Post the replay you have to post and not the others.
And those 3-4 guys are the ones you're jealous of, because you can't keep up eith them. ^^ Post the replay that Xymph required with the same or better time or don't post anything at all.
And we all have the replays to prove our skills. Do you? Replays prove your skill not words or name
Last edited by radovan_odjebani (2014-07-27 22:27:40)
#542 2014-07-28 11:51:31
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
e-thug wrote:
Dedi 1 is cheated here: _fVbKLrqVLc0U3EqpXvriVcDNu8
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 03789#auto
login: geranium23
That happened one day before your report, please remember rule 1a. Cleaned up during catch-up scans this morning.
#543 2014-07-28 12:20:28
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
moron12 wrote:
FUN FACT: he claims that he does not have any replays anymore, yet he has replays of maps nobody asked for and they even equal his Dedi... check when he drove them. Even the replays in his uploaded .rar file show that they were driven at those dates ,
I noticed that but it was true only for Punk Forever; the Tricky_20 replay did not have the same file date as the 2013-11-03 Dedimania entry.
moron12 wrote:
Welll i went back a couple of pages and collected some maps wee already wanted to see a replay of last time and even included all TMNF tmx links (also the first part of http://dedimania.net/SITE/forum/viewtop … 4560#p4560).
So if you want to go for another test, you can choose out of this list, yet i am not convinced that another test will change anything. He couldn't provide one acceptable replay out of the first list.
I was going to consider that indeed, but it's all moot now.
corsakoff_live wrote:
i send the replay Tuesday or Wednesday evening. cause i have to many works. i hope its ok for you
have a nice rest weekend and enjoy your rest weekend
You have no idea what kind of weekend I had, nor is it any of your business. Your stalling tactics don't work any longer anyway.
corsakoff_live wrote:
dam shit... start wasnt good lost 0.01-0.02 i think.. and bad finish. too much right. better in the middle. lost 0.02 i think. 12.80 or 12.79 possible
Pointless chatter, that wasn't the replay I asked for.
Login 'corsakoff_live' is now in the global blacklist and permanently banned with no option of redemption via an unban donation. 2009 records (including 597 #1's) deleted, end of story.
Anyone who posts more about this sad and time-wasting episode in Dedimania's history (that includes gloating about the preceding conclusion) will see those posts edited or outright deleted, as happened with most posts made during my weekend away. Please stick to the reporting rules in this topic, thanks.
#544 2014-07-28 12:27:49
- « ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
- radovan_odjebani
- Moderator.
- From: Slovenia
- Registered: 2013-03-17
- Posts: 158
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
Thank you for your hard work Xymph!
And to give you the heads up.
Login: gallaga started to play at the same time corsakoff_live was banned and allready claimed 1 first dedimania record.
Same record pattern on all maps and no replays just like corsakoff. And he's on the same team (nwo) so he is a bit suspicious and corsakoff alike.
Not yet many evidence he is the same guy or that he cheats but he sure has a lot of similarities with corsakoff.
Best we keep an eye on him too, since he also hasn't uploaded replays and drives on same server as corsakoff did.
Last edited by radovan_odjebani (2014-07-28 15:07:53)
#545 2014-07-29 14:37:59
- « ò¡ó » Vrbnjak Jr. ? ?
- radovan_odjebani
- Moderator.
- From: Slovenia
- Registered: 2013-03-17
- Posts: 158
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
tmx link: http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 36255#auto
Boertas replay is allready very strong without any bugs and has a good line.
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
tmx link: http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 35075#auto
If you look at Dynamites replay you see he had a tight line and only the last curve could be tighter, but not 0.05.
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
tmx link : http://nations.tm-exchange.com/main.asp … ;id=213864
If you look at Boertas replay it is allready good, Teryo (dropsi) did the ramptrick better and got more speed. But the .31 and .32 are just not possible for a map that is played for about 7 years.
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
tmx link: http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=4805904
If you look at Boertas replay, you'll see that he had a very tight end and good line to keep his speed. Would be hard to believe the 04 is possible, unless there exists a replay of it in that case.
All of the maps with same pattern as corsakoff_live used. Even more strange all of these maps even had the record by corsakoff_live removed from them so funny seeing gallaga play same maps and pose same suspicious times without replays.
Here maybe something that is usefull (or not) to prove this player has a connection to some previously banned accounts:
www.xaseco.org/metastats.php?tmf=forceair a.k.a. «ηωο»КίŋğVāđêŗ
www.xaseco.org/metastats.php?tmf=capsogel also known as same person
www.xaseco.org/metastats.php?tmf=gallaga a.k.a. «ηωο» Keule
www.xaseco.org/metastats.php?tmf=michaelundmartina a.k.a. «ηωο»КίŋğVāđêŗ
www.xaseco.org/metastats.php?tmf=hubertkah a.k.a. [ηωο]ΒζāčķŲāđêŗ
And there are also there that when looked at strongly connect to the ones listed above. Yet again same cheat pattern and clan/name.
www.xaseco.org/metastats.php?tmf=loft-room No name/region similarity, but strong pattern similarity.
www.xaseco.org/metastats.php?tmf=corsakoff_live Similar to michaelundmartina, hubertkah and forceair.
www.xaseco.org/metastats.php?tmf=domol1122 Yet another sample of him at work, only with changed nation.
All of the listed above used a private server where the records are driven, so another suspicious thing.
I hope any of this helped, since there are a lot of things that add up and strongly connect Gallaga to those listed logins. If Gallaga would be so kind to prove some replays for us to prove these times and us, that he is not the same person would be great.
Because there are also other players in «ηωο» that are not driving suspicious times, I didn't mean that their whole team is using some unfair programs to drive, but there is one (or a few) that had and maybe still do.
In this report you might also notice the player UCG<<ѠҾҾÐѺ (crackweed) that has driven times on same maps with a fairly new account listed below and also no replays shown.
Best Wishes
and thanks in advance
Last edited by radovan_odjebani (2014-07-30 09:32:12)
#546 2014-07-29 23:36:15
Re: Report strange & suspect TMF records here
radovan_odjebani wrote:
tmx link: http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 36255#auto
Boertas replay is allready very strong without any bugs and has a good line.
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
tmx link: http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … 35075#auto
If you look at Dynamites replay you see he had a tight line and only the last curve could be tighter, but not 0.05.
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
tmx link : http://nations.tm-exchange.com/main.asp … ;id=213864
If you look at Boertas replay it is allready good, Teryo (dropsi) did the ramptrick better and got more speed. But the .31 and .32 are just not possible for a map that is played for about 7 years.
http://dedimania.net/tmstats/?do=stat&a … ow=RECORDS
tmx link: http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main. … id=4805904
If you look at Boertas replay, you'll see that he had a very tight end and good line to keep his speed. Would be hard to believe the 04 is possible, unless there exists a replay of it in that case.
I concur, I need to see replays of these. Temporary ban of 'gallaga' in place until this is resolved.
And replays of the five #1 entries between 2013-03-15 10:36:49 and 11:09:15 is the second part of this test.
radovan_odjebani wrote:
All of the maps with same pattern as corsakoff_live used. Even more strange all of these maps even had the record by corsakoff_live removed from them so funny seeing gallaga play same maps and pose same suspicious times without replays.
Dunno, didn't compare their lists.
radovan_odjebani wrote:
Another thing besides the cheat pattern and the clan/name similarity is also, that all of listed above are from:
World » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Düsseldorf
That's circumstantial 'evidence' at best, and more likely to not happen again now that you've highlighted the pattern.
radovan_odjebani wrote:
I hope any of this helped, since there are a lot of things that add up and strongly connect Gallaga to those listed logins. If Gallaga would be so kind to prove some replays for us to prove these times and us, that he is not the same person would be great.
We'll see what happens if that player surfaces here...
radovan_odjebani wrote:
In this report you might also notice the player UCG<<ѠҾҾÐѺ (crackweed) that has driven times on same maps with a fairly new account listed below and also no replays shown.
Already detected during a scan this afternoon, and banned/blacklisted.
Btw, thanks for switching from tm-ladder to MetaStats links - not just because I wrote the latter but because those are more useful for Dedimania info and links.